
Level Key words Year Regulation applicable Related regulation Related regulation 2 Description More info Most important Status in NL Status in DE Status in DK Relevant area(s)
International United Nations, Offshore platforms, Security 1988 Convention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of maritime …

It aims to ensure security on board of vessels regarding unlawful threatening the safety of navigation.

More info No In force In force In force EEZ
International United Nations, Offshore platforms, Security 1988 Convention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of maritime …

It aims the same goal than the SUA Convention but applies to offshore platforms.

More info No In force In force In force CS
International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 1989 Resolution A.671(16) - 1989

Resolution on safety zones and safety of navigation around offshore installations and structures.

International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 1989 Resolution A.672(16) - 1989

Guidelines and standards for the removal of offshore installations and structures on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone

No Non binding Non binding Non binding CS, EEZ
International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 1989 Resolution A.649(16) adopting the code for the construction and equipment of mo…

The Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units establishes an international standard for mobile offshore drilling units (MODU) constructed before 1 January 2012.
Superseded by Resolution A.1023(26).

No All
International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 1990 London International Convention on Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-oper…

Establishes a framework for international co-operation in the event of a major oil pollution. "Parties to the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC) are required to establish measures for dealing with pollution incidents, either nationally or in co-operation with other countries.
Ships are required to carry a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan. Operators of offshore units under the jurisdiction of Parties are also required to have oil pollution emergency plans or similar arrangements which must be co-ordinated with national systems for responding promptly and effectively to oil pollution incidents.
Ships are required to report incidents of pollution to coastal authorities and the convention details the actions that are then to be taken. The Convention calls for the establishment of stockpiles of oil spill combating equipment, the holding of oil spill combating exercises and the development of detailed plans for dealing with pollution incidents.
Parties to the convention are required to provide assistance to others in the event of a pollution emergency and provision is made for the reimbursement of any assistance provided".

No In force In force In force All
International United Nations, Environmental Protection, Oil 1991 Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo…

"The Espoo (EIA) Convention sets out the obligations of Parties to assess the environmental impact of certain activities at an early stage of planning. It also lays down the general obligation of States to notify and consult each other on all major projects under consideration that are likely to have a significant adverse environmental impact across boundaries".

More info No In force In force In force
International OSPAR, Oil and gas, Environmental Protection 1992 Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlan…

The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (the ‘OSPAR Convention') was open for signature at the Ministerial Meeting of the Oslo and Paris Commissions in Paris on 22 September 1992. It was adopted together with a Final Declaration and an Action Plan. Article 5 and Annex 3 are particularly relevant for the offshore activities.

More info Yes In force In force In force All
International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 1993 Resolution A.765(18) - 1993

Guidelines on the safety of towed ships and other floating objects including installations, structures and platforms at sea.

No Non binding Non binding Non binding TS, EEZ, CS
International IMO, Safety, Environmental Protection, Offshore installations 1993 International Safety Management Code for safe operation ships and for pollution…

Provides an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.

No In force In force In force TS, EEZ, CS
International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 1994 Resolution A.649(16) adopting the code for the construction and equipment of mo…

Amendments to the Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units - 1989

No All
International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2000 London International Convention on Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-oper…

Establishes a framework for international co-operation in the event of incidents involving hazardous and noxious substances.

No In force In force In force All
International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2004 Resolution A.649(16) adopting the code for the construction and equipment of mo…

Amendments to the Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units - 1989

No All
International IMO, Oil 2005 MARPOL Convention (1973-1978)

Guidelines for the application of the revised MARPOL Annex I: Requirements to floating production, storage and offloading facilities (FPSOs) and floating storage units (FSUs)

More info Yes Non binding Non binding Non binding All
International IMO, Oil 2006 MARPOL Convention (1973-1978)

Amendments to the Guidelines for the application of the revised MARPOL Annex I: Requirements to floating production, storage and offloading facilities (FPSOs) and floating storage units (FSUs)

More info Yes Non binding Non binding Non binding All
International OSPAR, Wind energy, Environmental Protection 2008 OSPAR Guidance on environmental considerations for the development of offshore …

It "recommends best practices to assess, minimise and manage the potential impacts of wind farms. Many of the environmental impacts associated with offshore wind farms can be mitigated through national licensing procedures. These should ensure that the OSPAR guidance is followed, in particular, that sites are selected to avoid important seabird feeding areas, construction is timed to minimise effects on spawning fish, and routes taken by construction vessels are positioned to minimise disturbance to seabirds. Monitoring at operational marine renewable sites will provide the basis for better management in the future".

More info Yes Non binding Non binding Non binding All
International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2009 Resolution A.1023(26) adopting the Code for the construction and equipment of m…

The Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units establishes an international standard for mobile offshore drilling units (MODU) constructed after 1 January 2012.

International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2009 Resolution A.1023(26) adopting the Code for the construction and equipment of m…

Amendments to the Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units - 2009

International OSPAR, Oil and gas, Environmental Protection 2010 OSPAR North-East Atlantic Environment Strategy (Strategy of the OSPAR Commissio…

"Under its North-East Atlantic Environment Strategy (NEAE Strategy) OSPAR is taking forward work related to the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach (NEAE Strategy Part I) and the suite of five thematic strategies (NEAE Strategy Part II) to address the main threats that it has identified concerning issues within its competence." The offshore oil and gas industry part of the strategy is relevant.

More info Yes ? ? ? All
International OSPAR 2012 Guidance on best environmental practices (BEP) in cable laying and operation

The goal of this guideline is, among others, to compile measures avoiding or mitigating the ecological impacts of laying underwater cables.

No Non binding Non binding Non binding All
International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2013 Resolution A.1023(26) adopting the Code for the construction and equipment of m…

Amendments to the Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units - 2009

International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2013 Resolution A.1023(26) adopting the Code for the construction and equipment of m…

Amendments to the Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units - 2009

International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2013 Resolution A.1079(28) - 2013

Non binding recommendations for the training and certification of personnel on mobile offshore units (MOUs)

No Non binding Non binding Non binding TS, EEZ, CS
International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2013 Resolution A.649(16) adopting the code for the construction and equipment of mo…

Amendments to the Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units - 1989

No All
International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2014 Resolution A.649(16) adopting the code for the construction and equipment of mo…

Amendments to the Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units - 1989

No All
International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2014 Resolution A.1023(26) adopting the Code for the construction and equipment of m…

Amendments to the Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units - 2009

International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2014 Resolution A.1023(26) adopting the Code for the construction and equipment of m…

Amendments to the Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units - 2009

International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2014 Resolution A.1023(26) adopting the Code for the construction and equipment of m…

Amendments to the Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units - 2009

International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2016 Resolution A.1023(26) adopting the Code for the construction and equipment of m…

Amendments to the Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units - 2009

International IMO, Safety, Offshore installations 2017 Resolution A.1023(26) adopting the Code for the construction and equipment of m…

Amendments to the Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units - 2009

International IMO, Oil 2018 MARPOL Convention (1973-1978)

Non mandatory guidelines. Governments are invited to take them into account while implementing Annex I of MARPOL.

More info Yes Non binding Non binding Non binding All
National Germany, Cables 1887 Gesetz zur Ausführung des internationalen Vertrages zum Schutze der unterseeisc…

Act implementing the international convention for the protection of undersea telegraph cables

More info No In force
National Germany, Other 1964 Proklamation der Bundesregierung über die Erforschung und Ausbeutung des deutsc…

Proclamation by the federal government on the exploration and exploitation of the German continental shelf.

More info No In force
National The Netherlands, Offshore installations, Security 1964 Wet installaties Noordzee - 1964

North Sea Installations Act. Establishes provisions with regard to installations at the bottom of the North Sea. Focuses on the safety aspects.

No In force EEZ, CS
National The Netherlands, Mineral 1965 Ontgrondingenwet - 1965

Earth Removal Act. Defines rules for the extraction of minerals from the continental shelf.

No In force CS
National The Netherlands, Environmental Protection, Oil and gas, Offshore platforms 1979 Wet milieubeheer - 1979

Law of environmental conservation. Applies to extractive waste originating from offshore prospection, extraction and treatment activities.

Yes In force IW, TS, EEZ, CS
National Germany, Offshore installations, Cables, Mineral, Oil and gas 1980 Bundesberggesetz - BBergG - 1980

Federal Mining Act. It applies to research activities related to the continental shelf, the extraction of minerals, transit pipelines and underwater cables.

More info No In force CS
National Germany, Other 1982 Verordnung über die Zuständigkeit für die Verfolgung und Ahndung von Ordnungswi…

Ordinance on responsibility for the prosecution and punishment of administrative offenses in the area of ​​the continental shelf.

More info No In force CS
National Denmark, Mineral, Offshore installations, Oil, Environmental Protection 1984 Bekendtgørelse om udledning i havet af stoffer og materialer fra visse havanlæg…

Executive Order on discharges into the sea of ​​substances and materials from certain offshore installations.

No In force TS, EEZ, CS
National Denmark, Offshore installations, Oil and gas, Mineral, Safety 1985 Bekendtgørelse om sikkerhedszoner og zoner til overholdelse af orden og forebyg…

Order on safety zones and zones for compliance with order and prevention of danger. Refers to the Maritime Safety Act and the Offshore Safety Act.

No In force CS