
Wind energy production and oil and gas extraction are important economic activities in the North Sea and to some extent in the Wadden Sea. Although the importance of each of these activities differs between the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark, the three countries have adopted legislations that exclude the development of wind farms and gas drilling in the Wadden Sea Conservation Area. As offshore installations still interact with the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site (e.g. cable laying), the database provides an inventory of the relevant regulations that apply to these activities in the North Sea and the Wadden Sea.

According to Art. 56 of UNCLOS, coastal States have the sovereign right within their Exclusive Economic Zone to explore and exploit the non-living natural resources of the seabed and its subsoil and to generate energy from wind. Based on this principle, the International Maritime Organisation regularly adopts resolutions setting safety and pollution prevention standards for offshore installations. In addition, the EU and the three Wadden Sea countries all have comprehensive legal frameworks covering the construction, operation and decommissioning of offshore installations, as well as safety and environmental requirements.


Energy regulations implementation areas 
Energy regulations implementation areas 

The database contains regulations in force at international, European, trilateral, national and local levels. It brings together legal acts that are otherwise dispersed among international organisations and countries and aim to provide a detailed overview of the legal framework applicable to renewable energy and energy from oil, and gas, and to facilitate analysis or comparison of the regulations. It also provides a basis for reflection on how to improve environmental protection in the Wadden Sea.