Level | Key words | Year | Regulation applicable | Related regulation | Related regulation 2 | Description | More info | Most important | Status in NL | Status in DE | Status in DK | |
International level | IWC, Fish stocks mamagement, Fisheries | 1946 | International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling - 1946 |
"The Convention includes a legally binding Schedule which, amongst other things, sets out catch limits for commercial and aboriginal subsistence whaling. The Schedule is an integral part of the Convention, but its provisions, for example catch limits, may be amended by the Commission. In practice, amendments to the Schedule are almost always agreed at the Commission’s biennial meetings". |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
National | The Netherlands, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Health requirements | 1963 | Visserijwet 1963 |
Fisheries Act. Concerns minimum sizes, closed times, welfare rules and other measures in the interest of fishing; the registration of fishing vessels, the compliance with international obligations, high sea and coastal fisheries… Although the act does not specifically regulate aquaculture, it allows the Minister to further regulate the farming or processing of and trade in fish for purposes of prevention or eradication of fish diseases. |
Yes | In force | ||||||
International level | FAO, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement | 1966 | International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas - 1966 (ICCAT C… |
Aims "to create a cooperation in order to maintain the populations of tuna and tuna-like fish at levels which permit the maximum sustainable catch for food in the Atlantic ocean. The implementation of the convention is supervised by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)". Its area covers the Wadden Sea. |
More info | No | In force (EU is a contracting party) | In force (EU is a contracting party) | In force (EU is a contracting party) | |||
International level | Multilateral convention, Fisheries | 1967 | Convention on Conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic - 1967 |
The Parties to this Convention declare in the Preamble that they desire "to ensure good order and conduct on the fishing grounds in the North Atlantic Area. The Convention lays down rules for the conduct of fishing operations and use of vessels and gear by nationals of States being party to the Convention and provides with respect to implementation of provisions of the present Convention by Contracting Parties and the resolution of disputes between Contracting Parties and nationals of Contracting Parties". Includes the North Sea in its area. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
National | The Netherlands, Fisheries | 1967 | Uitvoeringswet Visserijverdrag 1967 |
Act on the Implementation of the Convention on Conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic - 1967. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Germany, Fisheries | 1968 | Bundeswasserstraßengesetz (WaStrG) - 1968 |
Federal Waterways Act. Refers to some extent to fisheries (cf §1) |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Germany, Environmental protection | 1969 | Gesetz über die Gemeinschaftsaufgabe "Verbesserung der Agrarstruktur und des Kü… |
Act on the joint task "Improvement of the agricultural structure and coastal protection". Refers to some extent to fisheries. |
No | In force | ||||||
International level | IMO, General, Environmental protection, Pollution prevention | 1972 | Convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other… |
Its objective is to "promote the effective control of all sources of marine pollution (including from fishing) and to take all practicable steps to prevent pollution of the sea by dumping of wastes and other matters". |
No | In force | In force | In force | ||||
International level | IMO, Safety | 1972 | Collision Regulations (COLREG) - 1972 |
"Updates and replaces the Collision Regulations of 1960 which were adopted at the same time as the 1960 SOLAS Convention. One of the most important innovations in the 1972 COLREGs was the recognition given to traffic separation schemes - Rule 10 gives guidance in determining safe speed, the risk of collision and the conduct of vessels operating in or near traffic separation schemes. Specific measures relate to fishing vessels". |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
National | Germany, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Health requirements | 1972 | Tierschutzgesetz (TierSchG) - 1972 |
Animal Welfare Act. Establishes rules regarding protection of animals' welfare including fish. |
Yes | In force | ||||||
International level | United Nations, General, Environmental protection | 1973 | Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora… |
Aims that no species of wild fauna and flora becomes or remains subject to unsustainable exploitation because of international trade. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
International level | IMO, General, Environmental protection, Pollution prevention | 1973-1978 | Maritime Pollution Convention (MARPOL) - 1973/1978 |
"Contains requirements to prevent pollution that may be caused both accidentally and in the course of routine operations. Concerns the prevention of pollution from oil, bulk chemicals, dangerous goods, sewage, garbage and gas". |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
International level | IMO, Fisheries, Safety | 1974 | SOLAS - 1974 |
Comprehensive range of minimum standards for the safe construction of ships ans the basic safety equipment to be carried on board. Only the Chapter V applies to fishing vessels. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
National | Germany, Fisheries | 1975 | Gesetz zu dem Übereinkommen vom 1. Juni 1967 über das Verhalten beim Fischfang … |
Act on the Convention on Conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic - 1967. Implements the Convention in Germany (North Sea). |
More info | No | In force | |||||
National | Germany, Fisheries | 1975 | Verordnung über die Gewährung von Beihilfen für die private Lagerhaltung bestim… |
Ordinance on the granting of private storage aid for certain fishery products. The provisions of this ordinance apply to the implementation of the legal acts of the Council and the Commission of the European Communities on the granting of aid for the private storage of certain fishery products. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Germany, Aquaculture, Health requirements | 1976 | Gesetz über den Verkehr mit Arzneimitteln (Arzneimittelgesetz -AMG) - 1976 |
Drugs law (marketing of medicines). Applies to some extent to aquaculture. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Germany, North Sea, Fisheries | 1976 | Proklamation der Bundesrepublik Deutschland über die Errichtungeiner Fischereiz… |
Proclamation of the Federal Republic of Germany on the establishment of a fishing zone for the Federal Republic of Germany in the North Sea. Declares that Germany extends its fishing zone up to 200nm according to international customary law which preceded the creation of exclusive economic zones (EEZ) by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Fisheries, Environmental protection, Fish stocks mamagement | 1977 | Reglement zee- en kustvisserij 1977 |
Regulation on sea and coastal fisheries. Refers to the common fisheries policy, the Convention on Conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic, the Fisheries Act (1963). Defines rules concerning sea and coastal fisheries and takes into account nature conservation interests. It mentions the possibility to establish closed areas, fish only during specific periods, the quotas of capture, the length of captured fish, the type of fishing gear used, which kind of fishing vessels are allowed to fish in which areas... |
Yes | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Fisheries | 1977 | Machtigingswet instelling visserijzone - 1977 |
Act establishing a 200nm fishing zone. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Fisheries | 1977 | Machtigingswet instelling visserijzone - 1977 | Uitvoeringsbesluit ex artikel 1 Machtigingswet instelling visserijzone |
Implementing Decree pursuant to Article 1 Authorization Act for the establishment of a fishing zone. |
No | In force | |||||
International level | IMO, Safety, Fisheries | 1977 | Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels - 1977 |
"First international convention on the safety of fishing vessels, recognising the great differences in design and operation between these vessels and other types of ships. While other vessels load cargo in port, fishing vessels sail empty and load their cargo at sea. The Convention included safety requirements for the construction and equipment of new, decked, seagoing fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and over, including those vessels also processing their catch". |
More info | No | Never entered into force | Never entered into force | Never entered into force | |||
Federal States | Lower Saxony, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Alien species | 1978 | Niedersächsisches Fischereigesetz (Nds. FischG) - 1978 |
Lower Saxony Fishing Law. Sets the rules regarding fisheries in Lower Saxony. Refers to Regulation (EC) No. 1100/2007, (EC) No. 708/2007 regarding the use of alien species in aquaculture. Refers also the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). |
Yes | In force | ||||||
International level | NASCO, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement | 1982 | Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean - 1982 |
Aims "to conserve and restore salmon stock as well as implementing a sustainable management in the North Atlantic Ocean. Articles 1 and 2 of The Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean prohibit fishing for salmon beyond areas of fisheries jurisdiction and, in most areas of the North Atlantic, beyond twelve nautical miles of the baselines. This creates an enormous zone free of directed salmon fisheries". |
More info | No | In force (EU is a contracting party) | In force (EU is a contracting party) | In force (EU is a contracting party) | |||
International level | United Nations, General, Fisheries, Environmental protection, Fish stocks mamagement | 1982 | UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) (1982) |
"Lays down a comprehensive regime of laws and orders in the world's oceans and seas establishing rules governing all uses of the oceans and their resources. It enshrines the notion that all problems of ocean space are closely interrelated and need to be addressed as a whole". |
More info | Yes | In force | In force | In force | |||
European Union | European Union, North Sea, Fish stocks mamagement, Fisheries | 1983 | Council Decision 83/653/EEC |
On the allocation of the possibilities for catching herring in the North Sea as from 1 January 1984 |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries | 1983 | Council Directive 83/515/EEC |
Concerns certain measures to adjust capacity in the fisheries sector |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
International level | IMO, General, Environmental protection, Pollution prevention | 1983 | Maritime Pollution Convention (MARPOL) - 1973/1979 - Annex I: Regulation for th… |
"Covers prevention of pollution by oil from operational measures as well as from accidental discharges; the 1992 amendments to Annex I made it mandatory for new oil tankers to have double hulls and brought in a phase-in schedule for existing tankers to fit double hulls, which was subsequently revised in 2001 and 2003". |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
International level | IMO, General, Environmental protection, Pollution prevention | 1983 | Maritime Pollution Convention (MARPOL) - 1973/1980 - Annex II: Regulations for … |
"Contains details the discharge criteria and measures for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances carried in bulk; some 250 substances were evaluated and included in the list appended to the Convention; the discharge of their residues is allowed only to reception facilities until certain concentrations and conditions (which vary with the category of substances) are complied with. In any case, no discharge of residues containing noxious substances is permitted within 12 miles of the nearest land". |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
National | Germany, Market, Fisheries | 1983 | Verordnung über die Gewährung von Vergünstigungen im Rahmen der gemeinsamen Mar… |
Ordinance on the granting of concessions within the framework of the common organization of the market for fishery products (Fishery Products Ordinance). |
No | In force | ||||||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries, Fishing techniques | 1984 | Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3440/84 |
On the attachment of devices to trawls, Danish seines and similar nets |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
National | Germany, Fisheries, Environmental protection, Fishing techniques, Inspection & Control | 1984 | Gesetz zur Regelung der Seefischerei und zur Durchführung des Fischereirechts d… |
Law for the regulation of sea fishing and for the implementation of fishing law of the European Union. Refers to legal acts of the European Union regulating the practice of maritime fisheries and aiming the conservation of fish stocks and more generally of the marine environment. Refers particularly to Regulations (EC) 1005/2008, (EC) 1224/2009 and other legal acts of the EU which have been enacted within the framewok of the mentioned regulations. Refers to the federal responsabilities regarding fisheries, fishing licences, the practice of maritime fishing by vessels which are not allowed to fly the federal flag, the monitoring of maritime fisheries, the Fishing Monitoring Center, the automatic identification of ships, the EU inspectors, the role of customs authorities... It is one of the main German legal act on the topic. |
Yes | In force | ||||||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries | 1985 | Council Directive 83/515/EEC | Council Directive 85/590/EEC |
Amends Directive 83/515/EEC concerning certain measures to adjust capacity in the fisheries sector |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | ||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries, Market | 1985 | Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3703/85 |
Lays down detailed rules for applying the common marketing standards for certain fresh or chilled fish |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries, Fishing techniques | 1987 | Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3440/84 | Commission Regulation (EEC) No 955/87 |
Amends Regulation (EEC) No 3440/84 on the attachment of devices to trawls, Danish seines and similar nets |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | ||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries, Fishing techniques, Fish stocks mamagement | 1987 | Commission Regulation (EEC) No 954/87 |
On sampling of catches for the purpose of determining the percentage of target species and protected species when fishing with small-meshed nets |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
International level | IMO, General, Environmental protection, Pollution prevention | 1988 | Maritime Pollution Convention (MARPOL) - 1973/1983 - Annex V: Prevention of Pol… |
"Deals with different types of garbage and specifies the distances from land and the manner in which they may be disposed of; the most important feature of the Annex is the complete ban imposed on the disposal into the sea of all forms of plastics". |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
Federal States | Hamburg, Fisheries | 1989 | Anordnung über Zuständigkeiten auf dem Gebiet der Fischerei und der Fischwirtsc… |
Ordinance on responsibilities in the field of fishing and the fishing industry. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Fisheries | 1989 | Besluit beperking vrije visserij kustwateren - 1989 |
Decree restricting free fishing in coastal waters. Establishes rules regarding fishing in coastal waters and refers to the Fisheries Act 1963 as well as to the Ems Dollart Treaty. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Pollution prevention, Fisheries | 1989 | Premieregeling opgeviste milieugevaarlijke stoffen - 1989 |
Premium scheme for collected environmentally hazardous substances. Applies to packed hazardous substances which are lost at sea by ships or are fished in the Dutch territorial sea and EEZ. Awards premiums for the collection of those marine pollutants. The scheme applies to all Dutch fishing vessels, as well as all fishing vessels registered in one of the member states of the EEC and which are entitled to fish in the Dutch fishing zone. |
No | In force | ||||||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries, Market | 1989 | Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3703/85 | Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3506/89 |
Amends Regulation (EEC) No 3703/85 laying down detailed rules for applying the common marketing standards for certain fresh or chilled fish |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force |