
Level Key words Year Regulation applicable Related regulation Related regulation 2 Description More info Most important Status in NL Status in DE Status in DK
European Union European Union, Fisheries, Market 2000 Council Regulation (EC) No 2406/96 More info No In force In force In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries, Aquaculture 2000 Directive 2000/60/EC

Establishes a framework for Community action in the field of water policy. Focuses on fresh water but concerns fisheries to some extent. Refers to the OSPAR Convention.

More info No In force In force In force
European Union European Union, North Sea, Fish stocks mamagement, Fisheries 2001 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2056/2001

Establishes additional technical measures for the recovery of the stocks of cod in the North Sea and to the west of Scotland

More info No In force In force In force
International level FAO, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement 2001 International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreporte…

The IPOA-IUU is a " voluntary instrument that applies to all States and entities and to all fishers. Following the IPOA's introduction, the nature and scope of IUU fishing is addressed. This is followed by the IPOA's objective and principles and the implementation of measures to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing. These measures focus on all State responsibilities, flag State responsibilities, coastal State measures, port State measures, internationally agreed market-related measures, research and regional fisheries management organizations. Special requirements of developing countries are then considered, followed by reporting requirements and the role of FAO".

More info Yes In force In force In force
Federal States Lower Saxony, Environmental protection 2001 Gesetz über den Nationalpark „Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer“ (NWattNPG)

Law on the National Park Lower Saxony Wadden Sea. Establishes the legal framework applied within the National Park. Its § 9 refers to the fishing activities in the rest area an details which types of fisheries are allowed.

Yes In force
National Denmark, Fishers, Safety 2001 Meddelelser fra Søfartsstyrelsen F. Mindre erhvervsfartøjers bygning og udstyr …

Announcements from the Danish Maritime Authority F. Building and equipment of smaller commercial vessels, etc. Chapter FI, General provisions,

No In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries 2001 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1639/2001

Establishes the minimum and extended Community programmes for the collection of data in the fisheries sector and laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1543/2000 (now repealed)

More info No In force In force In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement 2001 Regulation (EC) No 1936/2001

Lays down control measures applicable to fishing for certain stocks of highly migratory fish. Amended by Regulations (EC) 869/2004, (EC) 1005/2008, (EC) 309/2009 and (EU) 2017/2017. Establishes control and inspection measures in the waters covered by the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (including the Wadden Sea).

More info No In force In force In force
National The Netherlands, Fishers, Safety 2001 Besluit zeevarenden - 2001

Seafarers' decree. Chapter 1a refers to the composition of a fishing vessel's crew.

No In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries, Market 2001 Council Regulation (EC) No 2406/96 More info No In force In force In force
National The Netherlands, Fishers, Safety 2002 Vissersvaartuigenbesluit - 1989

Decree on fishing vessels 2002. Refers to Council Directive 97/70/EC. Establishes rules applicable to fishing vessels (technical aspects, safety…).

No In force
National The Netherlands, Fishers, Safety 2002 Regeling vaargebieden vissersvaartuigen - 2002

Fishing vessels saling areas regulation.

No In force
National Germany, Market, Fisheries 2002 Gesetz zur Durchführung der Rechtsakte der Europäischen Gemeinschaft über die E…

Law for the implementation of legal acts of the European Community on the labeling of fish and fishery products (Fishing Labeling Act). This law serves to implement the regulations on consumer information and labeling of fish and fishery products according to Articles 35 to 39 of Regulation (EU) No. 1379/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 on the common organization of the market for fishery and fishery products Aquaculture.

No In force
National Germany, Market, Fisheries, Aquaculture 2002 Gesetz zur Durchführung der Rechtsakte der Europäischen Gemeinschaft über die E…

Ordinance for the implementation of the Fish Labeling Act. The provisions of this ordinance apply to the implementation of the ordinances of the bodies of the European Union on the common organization of the market in fishery and aquaculture products with regard to the labeling of fishery products and aquaculture products (Regulation (EU) 1379/2013).

No In force
National Denmark, Market 2003 Bekendtgørelse om førstegangsomsætning af fisk - 2003

Executive Order on the first sale of fish.

No In force
National Denmark, Fisheries, Safety, Fishers 2003 Meddelelser fra Søfartsstyrelsen E. Fiskeskibes bygning og udstyr m.v. Kapitel …

Announcements from the Danish Maritime Authority E. Fishing vessels' building and equipment, etc. Chapter E VI A, Protection of the crew (working environment and safety, etc.).

No In force
National Denmark, Fisheries, Safety 2003 Meddelelser fra Søfartsstyrelsen E. Fiskeskibes bygning og udstyr m.v. Kapitel …

Announcements from the Danish Maritime Authority E. Fishing vessels' building and equipment, etc. Chapter E II Construction, watertightness and equipment

No In force
National Denmark, Fisheries, Safety 2003 Meddelelser fra Søfartsstyrelsen E. Fiskeskibes bygning og udstyr m.v. Kapitel …

Announcements from the Danish Maritime Authority E. Fishing vessels' building and equipment, etc. Chapter EI General regulations.

No In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries 2003 Council Regulation (EC) No 882/2003

Establishes a tuna tracking and verification system. Refers to the UNCLOS Convention.

More info No In force In force In force
National Denmark, Fishers, Safety 2003 Meddelelser fra Søfartsstyrelsen E. Fiskeskibes bygning og udstyr m.v. Kapitel …

Announcements from the Danish Maritime Authority E. Fishing vessels' building and equipment, etc. Chapter EV (2) Fire protection, detection and extinguishing of fire.

No In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries, Fishing techniques 2003 Council Regulation (EC) No 1185/2003

On the removal of fins of sharks on board vessels

More info No In force In force In force
National Denmark, Fishers, Safety 2003 Meddelelser fra Søfartsstyrelsen E. Fiskeskibes bygning og udstyr m.v. Kapitel …

Announcements from the Danish Maritime Authority E. Building and equipment of fishing vessels, etc. Chapter E IV Machinery and electrical installations, periodically unmanned engine rooms.

No In force
International level ICES, Pollution prevention 2003 Code of Practice on the Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms

"This Code sets forth recommended procedures and practices to diminish the risks of detrimental effects from the intentional introduction and transfer of marine (including brackishwater) organisms. It applies to public (commercial and governmental), private, and scientific interests including introductions into closed containment. ICES member countries contemplating new introductions are requested to present to the ICES Council a detailed prospectus on the rationale and plan for any new introduction of a marine (brackish) species. The contents of the prospectus are detailed in Appendix A to the Code. If any introduction or transfer proceeds following approval, ICES requests member countries to keep the Council informed about it"

More info No In force In force In force
National Denmark, Fishers, Safety 2003 Meddelelser fra Søfartsstyrelsen E. Fiskeskibes bygning og udstyr m.v. Kapitel …

Announcements from the Danish Maritime Authority E. Fishing vessels' building and equipment, etc. Chapter EV (1) Fire protection, detection and extinguishing of fire.

No In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement 2003 Council Regulation (EC) No 1954/2003

On the management of the fishing effort relating to certain Community fishing areas and resources and modifying Regulation (EC) No 2847/93 and repeals Regulations (EC) No 685/95 and (EC) No 2027/95. Amended by Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013.

More info Yes In force In force In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement 2003 Regulation (EC) No 1984/2003

Introduces a system for the statistical monitoring of trade in bluefin tuna, swordfish and bigeye tuna within the Community. Amended by Regulation (EC) 2017/2017 and Regulation (EU) 640/2010. Applies to Dutch, German and Danish vessels but the regulation is not particularly relevant for the North Sea.

More info No In force In force In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries, Market 2003 Council Regulation (EEC) No 2136/89

Amends Council Regulation (EEC) No 2136/89 laying down common marketing standards for preserved sardines

More info No In force In force In force
International level IMO, General, Environmental protection, Pollution prevention 2003 Maritime Pollution Convention (MARPOL) - 1973/1982 - Annex IV: Prevention of Po…

"Contains requirements to control pollution of the sea by sewage; the discharge of sewage into the sea is prohibited, except when the ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment plant or when the ship is discharging comminuted and disinfected sewage using an approved system at a distance of more than 3nm from the nearest land; sewage which is not comminuted or disinfected has to be discharged at a distance of more than 12nm from the nearest land".

More info No In force In force In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries 2004 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1639/2001

Amends Regulation (EC) No 1639/2001 establishing the minimum and extended Community programmes for the collection of data in the fisheries sector and laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1543/2000 (now repealed)

More info No In force In force In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement 2004 Regulation (EC) No 1936/2001

Amends Regulation (EC) No 1936/2001 laying down control measures applicable to fishing for certain stocks of highly migratory fish. Refers to the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).

More info No In force In force In force
National Denmark, Fisheries 2004 Bekendtgørelse om fredningsbælter og om ophævelse af lov om saltvandsfiskeri - …

Executive Order on conservation belts and on the repeal of the law on saltwater fishing. The Executive Order lays down rules on protection belts in water areas, for which no special rules have been laid down on protection belts in other executive orders. Fishing is not permitted in a conservation belt that includes the water area within a distance of 500 m from the mouth of streams, streams and waterways into the sea, fjords, inlets, etc., when this mouth has a width of at least 2 m. The delimitation of a protection belt is determined at normal daily high tide.

No In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement 2004 Council Regulation (EC) No 1954/2003

Fixes the maximum annual fishing effort for certain fishing areas and fisheries

More info No In force In force In force
National Denmark, Aquaculture 2004 Bekendtgørelse om sundhedsrådgivningsaftaler for akvakulturanlæg - 2004

Executive Order on health advisory agreements for aquaculture facilities. Refers to the Veterinary Act and to the Council Directive 2006/88/EC.

No In force
European Union European Union, General, Fisheries, Market 2004 Commission Regulation (EC) No 794/2004

Implements Council Regulation (EC) No 659/1999 (repealed by Regulation (EU) 2015/1589) laying down detailed rules for the application of Article 93 of the EC Treaty. Annex IIIC sets out the format for annual reports on existing aid schemes for state aid relating to the production, processing or marketing of fisheries products listed in Annex I of the Treaty.

More info No In force In force In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Health requirements 2004 Regulation (EC) No 852/2004

On hygiene of food stuffs including fisheries and fish farming products.

More info No In force In force In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Health requirements 2004 Regulation (EC) No 853/2004

Lays down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin

More info No In force In force In force
European Union European Union, North Sea, Fisheries 2004 Commission Decision 2004/774/EC

Declares operational the Regional Advisory Council for the North Sea under the common fisheries policy

More info No In force In force In force
Federal States Hamburg, Aquaculture, Fisheries 2005 Hamburgisches Wassergesetz (HWaG) - 2005

Contains some articles referring to fisheries and fish farming.

No In force
National Denmark, Aquaculture, Health requirements 2005 Bekendtgørelse om fremstilling og forhandling m.v. af foderlægemidler til fisk…

Executive Order on manufacture and distribution, etc.
of feed medicines for fish etc. This executive order covers import, export, production, control, warehousing, negotiation and delivery of feed medicines to fish.

No In force
National Denmark, Fisheries 2005 Order No. 135 on the prohibition against navigation, anchoring and fishing etc …

Still in force?

No In force