Level | Key words | Year | Regulation applicable | Related regulation | Related regulation 2 | Description | More info | Most important | Status in NL | Status in DE | Status in DK | |
European Union | European Union, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Other | 2018 | Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1283 |
Lays down rules on the format and timetables for the submission of annual data collection reports in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. Refers to the content of annual reports, the correlation with the multi-annual Union programme and the compilation of those annual reports. Several annexes details the rules to be followed on the matter. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
European Union | European Union, Aquaculture, Alien species | 2019 | Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 | Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1141 | Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1262 |
Amends Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1141 to update the list of invasive alien species of Union concern. Indirectly impacts aquaculture. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |
National | Denmark, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Market | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse om tilskud til afsætningsfremme - 2019 |
Executive Order on subsidies for sales promotion. Refers to the Sea and Fisheries Act. The Danish Fisheries Agency may grant grants for projects where the purpose is to promote market and marketing conditions for fishery products and aquaculture products through grants. Refers to the Regulation (EU) 1379/2013 and Directive 2008/56/EC. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Fisheries | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse om tilskud til fælles indsatser fiskeri - 2019 |
Executive Order on subsidies for joint fishing efforts. The Danish Fisheries Agency may, with a view to promoting innovation in fisheries and promoting the transfer of knowledge between scientists and fishermen, make commitments for grants for projects. Refers to Regulation (EU) 508/2014 |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse om tilladelse til fiskeri efter muslinger og østers herunder om … |
Executive Order on fishing permits for mussels and oysters, including transferable vessel license shares. Refers to the Fisheries Act. It is only permitted to fish, bring and land mussels and / or oysters if the Danish Fisheries Agency has granted current permission to do so. The current permit for mussel and / or oyster fishing shall be issued to a specific vessel for a specified period in accordance with the rules applicable to the fishery in question. It refers to the classification of vessels in relation to the possibilities for obtaining a permit to fish for mussels and oysters, the rights as a vessel with vessel license shares, fishing opportunities... |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Fisheries, Fishing techniques | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse om trawl- og vodfiskeri - 2019 |
Executive Order on trawl and seine fishing. Refers to the Fisheries Act. Sets regulations for trawl and seine fishing within 3nm of the shallow waterline, spinning rod, floating trawl… |
No | In force | ||||||
Federal States | Hamburg, Fisheries, Fishing techniques | 2019 | Hamburgisches Fischerei- und Angelgesetz (HmbFAnG) - 2019 |
Hamburg Fisheries and Angling Act. The aim of the law is the organization of fishing and angling as a co-shaping use of the Hamburg waters with special consideration of water, nature and animal protection issues. Refers to Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 and the Water Framework Directive, the Federal Nature Conservation Act. |
No | In force | ||||||
Federal States | Hamburg, Fisheries, Fishing techniques | 2019 | Hamburgisches Fischerei- und Angelgesetz (HmbFAnG) - 2019 | Verordnung zur Durchführung des Hamburgischen Fischerei- und Angelgesetzes (Hmb… |
Ordinance for the implementation of the Hamburg Fisheries and Angling Act. |
No | In force | |||||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement | 2019 | Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/98 | Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2200 | More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
European Union | European Union, Aquaculture, Inspection & Control | 2019 | Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 | Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 | Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2164 | More info | No | In force | In force | In force | ||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Fisheries, Aquaculture | 2019 | Landeswassergesetz (LWG) - 2019 |
State Water Act (LWG). Defines some rules and good practices regarding fisheries and fish farming |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Aquaculture, Health requirements | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse om dyrlægers anvendelse, udlevering og ordinering af lægemidler … |
Executive Order on veterinarians' use, dispensing and prescribing of medicinal products for animals. Applies to fish farming |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Aquaculture, Health requirements | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse om overvågning og bekæmpelse af visse smitsomme sygdomme hos akv… |
Order on the monitoring and control of certain infectious diseases in aquatic organisms. Refers to Regulation (EC) 2006/88. This Executive Order concerns the monitoring and control of exotic, cf. Annex 2, Part I, non-exotic, cf. Annex 2, Part II and new diseases in aquatic organisms. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Aquaculture, Health requirements | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse om dyreejeres anvendelse af lægemidler til dyr - 2019 |
Executive Order on animal owners' use of medicines for animals. Refers to the Animal Husbandry Act. The Executive Order deals with the use and storage of medicines for animals by animal owners. Applies to aquaculture. |
No | In force | ||||||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Other | 2019 | Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/909 |
Establishes the list of mandatory research surveys and thresholds for the purposes of the multiannual Union programme for the collection and management of data in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
National | Denmark, Aquaculture, Health requirements | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse om overvågning og registrering af Infektiøs pankreasnekrose (IPN… |
Executive Order on Monitoring and Registration of Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN) and Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD). Refers to the Animal Husbandry Act. Applies to aquaculture facilities. |
No | In force | ||||||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Other | 2019 | Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/910 |
Establishes the multiannual Union programme for the collection and management of biological, environmental, technical and socioeconomic data in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. Refers to data requirements regarding the different species of fish fished or raised in the EU. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
National | Denmark, Environmental protection | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om naturbeskyttelse - 2019 |
Nature Conservation Act. Refers to the protection of fish species covered by the Habitats Directive. |
Yes | In force | ||||||
European Union | European Union, European Fisheries Control Agency, Other | 2019 | Regulation (EU) 2019/473 |
On the European Fisheries Control Agency. Defines the missions and the tasks of the Agency, the operational coordination set in place, the competences of the agency, its internal structure and functioning... |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
National | Denmark, Environmental protection | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse om miljømål for overfladevandområder og grundvandsforekomster - … |
Executive Order on environmental objectives for surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. Establishes specific environmental objectives for surface water areas and groundwater bodies ( including coastal waters) for each water area district, cf. the Executive Order on water area districts and main water catchments. |
No | In force | ||||||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries, Environmental protection, Aquaculture, Port | 2019 | Regulation (EU) 2019/1241 |
On the conservation of fisheries resources and the protection of marine ecosystems through technical measures. Amends Council Regulations (EC) No 1967/2006, (EC) No 1224/2009 and Regulations (EU) No 1380/2013, (EU) 2016/1139, (EU) 2018/973, (EU) 2019/472 and (EU) 2019/1022 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repeals Council Regulations (EC) No 894/97, (EC) No 850/98, (EC) No 2549/2000, (EC) No 254/2002, (EC) No 812/2004 and (EC) No 2187/2005. Defines common technical measures on fisheries methods (fishing gear, nets...), defines minimum conservation reference sizes, regional technical measures (Annex V for the North Sea), refers to scientific researchy, direct restocking and transplantation |
More info | Yes | In force | In force | In force | |||
National | Denmark, Environmental protection, Fisheries | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om beskyttelse af havmiljøet - 2019 |
Act on the Protection of the Marine Environment. Sets a framework for the protection of the marine environment and also of activities like fishing. |
Yes | In force | ||||||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries, Environmental protection, Aquaculture | 2020 | Regulation (EU) 2019/1241 | Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/967 |
Lays down the detailed rules on the signal and implementation characteristics of acoustic deterrent devices as referred to in Part A of Annex XIII of Regulation (EU) 2019/1241 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of fisheries resources and the protection of marine ecosystems through technical measures. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | ||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries, Port | 2020 | Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/2014 |
Specifies details of implementation of the landing obligation for certain fisheries in the North Sea for the period 2021-2023. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |||
European Union | European Union, Fisheries, Market | 2020 | Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 | Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011 | Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/30 |
Amends Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011 as regards detailed rules for the direct electronic exchange of information enacted under the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |
National | Denmark, Market, Health requirements, Fisheries | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse om betaling for kontrol af fødevarer, foder og levende dyr m.v -… |
Order on payment for control of food, feed and live animals, etc. Regarding fisheries, the controls are handled by the Danish Fisheries Agency. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse om regulering af fiskeriet - 2020 |
Executive Order on regulation of fishing. Refers to the Fisheries Act. It covers activities in connection with commercial fishing, as well as the commercial exploitation of fish by Danish fishermen and Danish registered fishing vessels in all waters. The executive order also covers landings, turnover, etc. in Denmark that originate from foreign registered fishing vessels. Concerns the fisheries fund, quotas, coastal fishing, regulation and restrictions, specific measures on mackerel, herring, sandeel... |
Yes | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Fisheries, Inspection & Control | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse om fiskerikontrol (myndighed) - 2020 |
Executive Order on fisheries control (authority). Refers to the Fisheries Act, Regulation (EU) 508/2014. Establishes conditions for retaining commitments, eligible expenses, calculation of grants, payment of grants, repayment/reduction of grants, control... |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Fisheries | 2020 | Besluit openbaarmaking subsidiegegevens Gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid over h… |
Decree on publication of subsidy data Common Agricultural Policy on the [...] Common Fisheries Policy for the calendar year 2020. Refers to Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse om tiltag for beskyttelse af torskebestanden i Nordsøen og Skage… |
Executive Order on measures for the protection of the cod stock in the North Sea and Skagerrak. Lays down measures for the protection of the cod stock in the North Sea and Skagerrak with the aim of maintaining the cod catches at a level corresponding to the stipulated fishing opportunities, as well as contributing to the rebuilding of the cod stock. The Order complements the provisions of Article 14 of Council Regulation (EU) No. 2020/123 of 27 January 2020 fixing for 2020 the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks applicable to EU waters and to EU fishing vessels in certain other waters |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement, Port | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse om registrering og kontrol af oplysninger om fisk, der landes di… |
Order on the registration and control of information on fish landed directly and fish imported. Refers to Regulations (EC) 2009/1224 and (EU) 2019/1241 and to the Fisheries Act. Concerns the registration and submission of information, pelagic species landed for human consumption, weighing and sampling of catches, control... |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Fisheries, Other | 2020 | Besluit vaststelling einddatum tijdelijk stopzetten visserijactiviteiten subsid… |
Decree setting end date for temporary cessation of fishing activities subsidy module [...] stopping fishing activities as a result of COVID-19. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Aquaculture, Health requirements | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse om aflivning, herunder slagtning, af dyr - 2020 |
Order on killing, including slaughter, of animals. Refers to the Animal Welfare Act and the Regulation (EC) 1099/2009. This Executive Order applies to killing, including slaughter, of animals bred or kept for the production of food, wool, hides, furs and other products. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Aquaculture | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse om økologiske fødevarer og økologisk akvakultur m.v - 2020 |
Executive Order on organic food and organic aquaculture, etc. Refers to the production of organic animal aquaculture production and conversion to such a production. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Aquaculture, Environmental protection, Pollution prevention, Health requirements | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse om tilskud til investeringer i akvakultur - 2020 |
Order on grants for investments in aquaculture. Refers to Regulation (EU) 2019/1241. The Danish Fisheries Agency may, with a view to strengthening the aquaculture sector's competitiveness and transition to a more environmentally friendly production in accordance with the Aquaculture Strategy, grant grants for projects concerning: |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Aquaculture, Health requirements | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse om dyrevelfærdsmæssige mindstekrav til hold af visse landbrugsdy… |
Executive Order on animal welfare minimum requirements for keeping certain farm animals. Applies to aquaculture. Mentions that the appropriate number of personal must be present. Refers to the supervision of sick and injured animals, records, equipment, feed and water, breeding methods, killing... Refers to Directive 98/58/EC. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Market, Fisheries, Aquaculture | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse om tilskud til producentorganisationers produktions- og afsætnin… |
Executive Order on subsidies for producer organizations' production and marketing plans in the fisheries sector. Refers to the Sea and Fisheries Fund Act. The Danish Fisheries Agency may grant grants for projects that promote the common market organization for fishery products and aquaculture products. Grant commitments are made for the preparation and implementation of production and marketing plans. Refers to Regulations (EU) 2015/812, (EC) 1224/2009 and Directives (EU) 1379/2013, (EU) 1380/2013 |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Environmental protection | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om maritim fysisk planlægning - 2020 |
Maritime Spatial Planning Act. The Act lays down the framework for the implementation of a planning of the Danish sea areas. |
Yes | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Environmental protection | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om miljøvurdering af planer og programmer og af konkrete … |
Promulgation of the Act on Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programs and of Specific Projects (EIA). The purpose of the Act is to ensure a high level of environmental protection and to contribute to the integration of environmental considerations during the preparation and adoption of plans and programs and by permitting projects with a view to promoting sustainable development, by conducting an environmental assessment of plans, programs and projects that can have a significant impact on the environment. |
Yes | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Health requirements | 2020 | Lov om dyrevelfærd (dyrevelfærdsloven) - 2020 |
Animal Welfare Act. The purpose of the Act is to promote good animal welfare, including protecting animals, and to promote respect for animals as living and sentient beings. The law also aims to take care of animal ethics. Anyone who keeps animals must ensure that they are treated carefully, including that they are housed, fed, watered and cared for, taking into account their physiological, behavioral and health needs in accordance with recognized practical and scientific experience. |
No | In force |