
Level Key words Year Regulation applicable Related regulation Related regulation 2 Description More info Most important Status in NL Status in DE Status in DK Relevant area(s)
National The Netherlands, Environmental Protection 2015 Wet natuurbescherming - 2015

Nature Conservation Act. It replaces since the 1/1/2017 the Nature Conservancy Act, the Fauna and Flora Act and the Forestry Act. It is the main law regarding the protection of the environment and is applicable in the territorial sea as well as in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Yes In force IW, TS, EEZ
National The Netherlands, Environmental Protection, Offshore installations, Renewable energies 2015 Wet windenergie op zee - 2015

Offshore Wind Energy Act. Defines the rules of the implementation of wind farms and the production of electricity offshore.

Yes In force TS, EEZ
National Germany, Renewable energies 2015 Verordnung zur Durchführung des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes und des Windene…

Ordinance on the implementation of the Renewable Energy Sources Act and the Wind Energy Offshore Act.

More info No In force
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Environmental Protection, Working conditions, Safety 2015 Bekendtgørelse om registrering og anmeldelse af ulykker m.v. i forbindelse med …

Executive Order on registration and notification of accidents, etc. in connection with offshore oil and gas activities, etc.

No In force
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Working conditions, Safety 2015 Bekendtgørelse om beskyttelse mod støjbelastning m.v. i forbindelse med offshor…

Executive Order on protection against noise pollution, etc. in connection with offshore oil and gas activities, etc. Refers to the Offshore Safety Act.

No In force
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Working conditions, Safety 2015 Bekendtgørelse om forretningsorden for Myndighedernes Beredskabskomité i medfør…

Executive Order on the rules of procedure for the Authorities' Emergency Preparedness Committee pursuant to the Offshore Safety Act.

No In force
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Working conditions 2015 Bekendtgørelse om beskyttelse mod udsættelse for vibrationer i forbindelse med …

Executive Order on protection against exposure to vibrations in connection with offshore oil and gas activities, etc. Refers to the Offshore Safety Act.

No In force
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Offshore platforms, Environmental Protection 2015 Bekendtgørelse om tilsyn, gebyr m.v. for olie- og gasanlæg - 2015

Executive Order on supervision, fee, etc. for oil and gas plants, It applies to oil and gas installations in the event of pollution of the sea. Refers to the Act on the Protection of the Marine Environment.

No In force
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Offshore platforms, Environmental Protection 2015 Bekendtgørelse om beredskab ved forurening af havet fra olie- og gasanlæg, rørl…

Executive Order on preparedness for pollution of the sea from oil and gas plants, pipelines and other platforms. Refers to the Act on the Protection of the Marine Environment.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Renewable energies, Offshore platforms 2016 Besluit schadevergoeding net op zee - 2016

Decree on compensation net at sea. It defines rules for compensation in the event of non-availability of the network at sea. Focuses on the wind turbines and the offshore grid.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Renewable energies, Offshore platforms 2016 Regeling schadevergoeding net op zee - 2016

Regulation on compensation for damages at sea grid.

No In force
National Germany, Renewable energies 2016 Seeanlagengesetz (SeeAnlG)

It regulates the planning approval and approval procedures for the construction of plants in the exclusive economic zone in the German North and Baltic Seas. The law replaces the Marine Facilities Ordinance (no longer in force). The regulations for systems for generating electricity from currents and water and systems that serve other economic purposes or research purposes now require an immediate legal basis, since they should correspond as closely as possible to those of the Wind Energy Offshore Act.

More info No In force EEZ, HS
National The Netherlands, Oil and gas, Working conditions, Offshore installations 2016 Wijzigingswet Mijnbouwwet, enz. (veiligheid offshore olie- en gasactiviteiten) …

Amendment Act Mining Act, etc. (safety offshore oil and gas activities). Refers to the Directive 2013/30/EU.

No In force
National Germany, Renewable energies 2016 Gesetz zur Entwicklung und Förderung der Windenergie auf See (Windenergie-auf-S…

Act for the development and promotion of wind energy at sea. The purpose of this Act is to expand the use of wind energy at sea, particularly in the interests of climate and environmental protection, taking into account nature conservation, shipping and the offshore connection lines. This law regulates
1.the specialist planning in the exclusive economic zone and, insofar as the following provisions provide for this, in the territorial sea and the preliminary investigation of areas for electricity generation from wind turbines at sea,
2. the tenders for the competitive determination of the market premium in accordance with Section 22 of the Renewable Energy Sources Act for offshore wind turbines; the Renewable Energy Sources Act applies, unless this Act regulates otherwise,
3. the approval, construction, commissioning and operation of offshore wind turbines, other energy generation systems and offshore connection lines
4. the tenders for the competitive determination of those eligible to apply for other energy generation areas.

More info Yes In force TS, EEZ, HS
National Germany, Mineral, Oil and gas 2016 Bergverordnung für das Gebiet der Küstengewässer und des Festlandsockels (Offsh…

Mining Ordinance for the area of ​​coastal waters and the continental shelf. This Ordinance applies to the exploration, extraction and processing of mineral resources in the coastal waters and the continental shelf of the Federal Republic of Germany (offshore area) and the associated activities and facilities as well as, insofar as it is specified in this Ordinance, for transit in pipelines. It does not apply to horizontal boreholes that are carried out from the mainland and extend under coastal waters.

More info No In force CS
National Denmark, Environmental Protection, Renewable energies 2016 Lov om ændring af lov om fremme af vedvarende energi - 2016

Law amending the law on the promotion of renewable energy

No In force
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Renewable energies, Mineral, Offshore platforms 2016 Lov om ændring af lov om miljøgodkendelse m.v. af husdyrbrug, lov om planlægnin…

Act amending the Act on environmental approval, etc. of livestock farming, the Act on planning, the Act on the use of the Danish subsoil, the Act on the promotion of renewable energy and various other acts.

No In force
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Safety, Offshore platforms 2016 Bekendtgørelse om ændring af bekendtgørelse om Havarikommissionen for større ul…

Executive Order amending the Executive Order on the Accident Investigation Board for major accidents in connection with offshore oil and gas activities, etc.

No In force TS, EEZ, CS
National Denmark, Offshore platforms, Oil and gas, Environmental Protection 2017 Bekendtgørelse af lov om undersøgelse, forebyggelse og afhjælpning af miljøskad…

Act on Investigation, Prevention and Remediation of Environmental Damage (Environmental Damage Act).

No In force
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Offshore installations, Cables 2017 Bekendtgørelse om visse rørledningsanlæg på søterritoriet og kontinentalsoklen …

Executive Order on certain pipeline installations in the territorial sea and the continental shelf

No In force TS, CS
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Safety, Working conditions, Offshore platforms 2017 Bekendtgørelse om manuel håndtering af byrder i forbindelse med offshore olie- …

Executive Order on manual handling of burdens in connection with offshore oil and gas activities, etc. Refers to the Offshore Safety Act

No In force TS, CS
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Environmental Protection 2017 Bekendtgørelse om konsekvensvurdering vedrørende internationale naturbeskyttels…

Executive Order on Impact Assessment concerning International Nature Conservation Areas and the Protection of Certain Species in Preliminary Studies, Exploration and Extraction of Hydrocarbons, Underground Storage, Pipelines, etc. Offshore. Refers to the Habitats Directive, the Birds Directive, the Directive 2013/30 on the safety of offshore oil and gas activities

No In force TS, EEZ, CS
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Mineral, Environmental Protection 2017 Bekendtgørelse af lov om råstoffer (Råstofloven)

Law on raw materials. This acts aims to "ensure that the utilization of the raw material deposits on land and sea takes place as part of a sustainable development after an overall balance of interests and after and overall assessment of the societal considerations" (§ 1)

Yes In force IW, TS, CS
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Safety, Offshore platforms 2017 Bekendtgørelse om anlægs, tilsluttet infrastrukturs og rørledningers konstrukti…

Executive Order on construction, connected infrastructure and pipelines' construction, layout and equipment in connection with offshore oil and gas activities, etc. Refers to the Offshore Safety Act.

No In force
National Denmark, Offshore installations, Environmental Protection 2017 Order on the discharge of sewage from ships and offshore installations outside …

Establishes a framework regarding the discharge of sewage from ships and offshore installations outside Danish territorial waters. Refers to the Act on Protection of the Marine Environment.

No In force EEZ, CS
National Denmark, Offshore platforms, Oil and gas, Mineral, Renewable energies 2017 Bekendtgørelse om mobile offshoreenheder - 2017

Executive Order on mobile offshore units. Refers to the Maritime Safety Act.

No In force EEZ, CS
National Denmark, Renewable energies, Offshore installations, Environmental Protection 2018 Energiaftale - 2018

Energy Agreement 2018. This agreement sets that energy from offshore wind turbines must contribute to 55% of Denmark's energy needs by 2030

More info No In force
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Environmental Protection 2018 Bekendtgørelse om beredskab m.v. i forbindelse med offshore olie- og gasaktivit…

Executive Order on emergency preparedness, etc. in connection with offshore oil and gas activities, etc. Refers to the Offshore Safety.

No In force TS, EEZ, CS
National Denmark, Renewable energies, Cables 2018 Bekendtgørelse om nettilslutning af vindmøller - 2018

Executive Order on grid connection of wind turbines.

No In force TS, EEZ
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Offshore platforms, Safety, Working conditions 2018 Bekendtgørelse om drift af anlæg, tilsluttet infrastruktur og rørledninger i fo…

Executive Order on operation of facilities, connected infrastructure and pipelines in connection with offshore oil and gas activities, etc. Refers to the Offshore Safety Act

No In force CS, EEZ
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Offshore platforms, Cables 2018 Bekendtgørelse af lov om kontinentalsoklen og visse rørledningsanlæg på søterri…

Act on the Continental Shelf and certain pipeline installations in the territorial sea.

Yes In force TS, CS
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Working conditions 2018 Bekendtgørelse af offshoresikkerhedsloven (Offshoresikkerhedsloven) - 2018

Offshore Safety Act.
"The purpose of the law
1) to promote a high level of safety and health offshore, which is in line with the technical and social development of society, and
2) to create the framework for companies to solve safety and health issues offshore themselves."

Yes In force TS, EEZ, CS
National Denmark, Offshore installations, Oil and gas, Mineral 2018 Bekendtgørelse af søloven - 2018

Maritime Act.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Offshore installations, Safety 2019 Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen - 2019

Seagoing vessels Safety Regulations. Refers to the MODU Code (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units) and implements the code regarding those mobile offshore drilling units.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Renewable energies, Environmental Protection 2019 Klimaatwet - 2019

Climate Law. It defines the Dutch strategy to tackle climate change and meet the 2015 Paris Agreement's goals.

No In force
National Germany, Renewable energies, Offshore installations, Environmental Protection 2019 Klimaschutzprogramm 2030 der Bundesregierung zur Umsetzung des Klimaschutzplans…

Climate Action Programme 2030.

No In force
National Denmark, Environmental Protection, Renewable energies 2019 Bekendtgørelse af lov om naturbeskyttelse - 2019

Nature Conservation Act.

No In force CS
National Denmark, Offshore installations, Oil and gas 2019 Bekendtgørelse om Arbejdstilsynets opgaver og beføjelser i henhold til offshore…

Executive Order on the tasks and powers of the Danish Working Environment Authority in accordance with the Offshore Safety Act. Refers to the Offshore Safety Act.

No In force
National Denmark, Renewable energies, Environmental Protection 2019 Bekendtgørelse om støj fra vindmøller - 2019

Executive Order on noise from wind turbines. Refers to the Environmental Protection Act. Applies to some extent to offshore wind turbines

No In force
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Offshore platforms, Safety, Working conditions, Environmental Protection 2019 Bekendtgørelse om anvendelse af stoffer og materialer i forbindelse med offshor…

Executive Order on the use of substances and materials in connection with offshore oil and gas activities, etc. Refers to the Offshore Safety Act.

No In force