Level | Key words | Year | Regulation applicable | Related regulation | Related regulation 2 | Description | More info | Most important | Status in NL | Status in DE | Status in DK | Relevant area(s) | |
National | Denmark, Oil and gas, Offshore platforms, Safety, Working conditions | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse om styring af sikkerhed og sundhed m.v. i forbindelse med offsho… |
Executive Order on management of safety and health, etc. in connection with offshore oil and gas activities, etc. Refers to the Offshore Safety Act. |
No | In force | TS, EEZ, CS | ||||||
National | Denmark, Oil and gas, Mineral | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om anvendelse af Danmarks undergrund |
Executive Order of the Act on the Use of the Subsoil of Denmark |
No | In force | TS, EEZ, CS | ||||||
National | Denmark, Environmental Protection, Renewable energies | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om naturbeskyttelse - 2019 |
Nature Conservation Act. |
No | In force | CS | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Offshore installations, Safety | 2019 | Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen - 2019 |
Seagoing vessels Safety Regulations. Refers to the MODU Code (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units) and implements the code regarding those mobile offshore drilling units. |
No | In force | |||||||
National | The Netherlands, Renewable energies, Environmental Protection | 2019 | Klimaatwet - 2019 |
Climate Law. It defines the Dutch strategy to tackle climate change and meet the 2015 Paris Agreement's goals. |
No | In force | |||||||
National | Germany, Renewable energies, Offshore installations, Environmental Protection | 2019 | Klimaschutzprogramm 2030 der Bundesregierung zur Umsetzung des Klimaschutzplans… |
Climate Action Programme 2030. |
No | In force | |||||||
National | Denmark, Renewable energies, Environmental Protection, Oil and gas | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om maritim fysisk planlægning - 2020 |
Maritime Spatial Planning Act. This act aims to promote economic growth and the sustainable exploitation of marine resources. |
More info (English version) | Yes | In force | TS, EEZ | |||||
National | Denmark, Renewable energies | 2020 | Lov om ændring af lov om fremme af vedvarende energi - 2020- |
Law on the promotion of renewable energy. |
No | In force | TS, EEZ | ||||||
National | Denmark, Renewable energies, Environmental Protection, Cables | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse om nettilslutning af vindmøller, solcelleanlæg, bølgekraftanlæg … |
Executive Order on grid connection of wind turbines, photovoltaic systems, wave power plants and hydropower plants |
No | In force | |||||||
National | Denmark, Environmental Protection, Safety, Working conditions, Renewable energies | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse om teknisk certificering og servicering af vindmøller m.v. - 2020 |
Executive Order on technical certification and servicing of wind turbines, etc. It aims to ensure that wind turbines do not affect the safety and health of people and livestock. |
No | In force | TS, EEZ | ||||||
National | Denmark, Environmental Protection, Oil and gas, Offshore platforms | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse om ændring af bekendtgørelse om beredskab ved forurening af have… |
Executive Order amending the Executive Order on emergency preparedness in the event of pollution of the sea from oil and gas plants, pipelines and other platforms. Refers to the Offshore Safety Act and the Directive 2013/30/EU. |
No | In force | TS, EEZ | ||||||
National | Denmark, Gas | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om naturgasforsyning - 2020 |
Nature Gas Supply Act.It does not apply to transmission networks in the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone and in the Danish continental shelf area that are not connected to the Danish natural gas supply network. |
No | In force | |||||||
National | Denmark, Environmental Protection, Renewable energies | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om elforsyning - 2020 |
Electricity Supply Act. "The purpose of the Act is to ensure that the country's electricity supply is organized and implemented in accordance with considerations of electricity supply security, economy, environment and consumer protection". The Act does not cover companies covered by the Offshore Safety Act. |
No | In force | |||||||
National | Denmark, Renewable energies | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om fremme af vedvarende energi - 2020 |
Law on the promotion of renewable energy. (It is the latest updates of Lov nr 1392 of 27/12/2008 on the promotion of renewable energy) |
No | In force | TS, EEZ | ||||||
National | Denmark, Oil and gas, Environmental Protection, Renewable energies | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om miljøvurdering af planer og programmer og af konkrete … |
Act on environmental assessment of plans and programs and of specific projects (EIA). |
No | In force | TS, EEZ, CS | ||||||
National | Denmark, Renewable energies, Environmental Protection | 2020 | Klimaloven - 2020 |
Climate Act. "The purpose of this Act is that Denmark shall reduce greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 by 70 per cent. compared to the level in 1990, and that Denmark will achieve a climate-neutral society by 2050 with the Paris Agreement's goal of limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius in mind". |
No | In force | |||||||
National | 2020 | Gesetz zur Entwicklung und Förderung der Windenergie auf See (Windenergie-auf-S… | Erste Verordnung zur Durchführung des Windenergie-auf-See Gesetzes (Erste Winde… |
Act for the development and promotion of wind energy at sea. The purpose of this Act is to expand the use of wind energy at sea, particularly in the interests of climate and environmental protection, taking into account nature conservation, shipping and the offshore connection lines. This law regulates |
More info | No | In force | TS, EEZ, HS | |||||
National | Denmark, Renewable energies, Environmental Protection, Offshore installations, Cables | 2020 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om Energinet - 2020 |
Energy Network Act. |
No | In force | |||||||
National | Denmark, Renewable energies, Environmental Protection | 2020 | Danish Climate Agreement for Energy and Industry 2020 |
The Agreement aims that Denmark will be the "wolrd's first energy islands" with more renewable energy. Invesment in green technoligies are planned as well as a green transition of industry and an efficient use of energy and renovations. |
No | In force | |||||||
National | The Netherlands, Oil and gas, Working conditions, Offshore installations | 2021 | Arbeidsomstandighedenregeling - 2021 |
Working conditions regulations. Refers to the Directive 2013/13/EU. |
No | In force | |||||||
National | Denmark, Oil and gas, Renewable energies, Environmental Protection | 2021 | Havplanen |
Maritime Spatial Plan. It is based on the Maritime Spatial Planning Act which implements EU Directive 2014/89/EU. |
More info | No | Not yet in force (coming in 2021) | TS, EEZ | |||||
National | The Netherlands, Environmental Protection, Offshore installations, Renewable energies | 2021 | Waterregeling - 2021 |
Water Management Act. Refers to wind farms at sea. |
No | In force | IW, TS, EEZ | ||||||
National | Germany, Renewable energies, Cables, Environmental Protection | 2021 | Raumordnungsplan für die deutsche ausschließliche Wirtschaftszone in der Nord- … |
Spatial Plan for the German exclusive economic zone in the North and Baltic Seas. Defines the organisation of activities including wind energy production in the North Sea. |
More info | No | to be updated when the final version will be published | EEZ | |||||
National | The Netherlands, Oil and gas, Offshore installations | 2021 | Loodsplichtregeling 2021 |
Compulsory pilotage scheme 2021. It defines rules according to which piloage is mandatory. Under certain conditions, offshore vessels and cargo transporting oil and gas from offshore platforms might be exempted from this obligation. |
No | In force | IW, TS | ||||||
Trilateral | Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation, Environmental Protection, Renewable energies | 2005 | Schiermonnikoog Declaration - 2005 |
Ministerial Declaration of the 10th Trilateral Governmental Conference on the Protection of the Wadden Sea |
More info | No | Non binding | Non binding | Non binding | IW, TS | |||
Trilateral | Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation, Environmental Protection, Renewable energies, Oil and gas | 2010 | Wadden Sea Plan - 2010 |
"The Trilateral Wadden Sea Plan (WSP) is the common policy and management plan for the protection and sustainable management of the Wadden Sea Area. It is also the common management plan for the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site. A unique and basic feature of the Wadden Sea Plan is that it aims at achieving the full scala of habitats, which belong to a natural and dynamic Wadden Sea. Each of these habitats, for which common trilateral Targets have been adopted, needs a certain quality (natural dynamics, absence of anthropogenic disturbance, absence of pollution), which can be reached by proper management of the area". Specific parts apply to energies (oil, gas, wind energy) and cable laying. |
More info | No | Non binding | Non binding | Non binding | IW, TS | |||
Trilateral | Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation, Environmental Protection, Renewable energies | 2018 | Leeuwarden Declaration - 2018 |
The Leeuwarden Declaration, signed at the 13th Trilateral Governmental Conference in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, on 18 May 2018, contains key points for the 2018-2022 period of the Trilateral Cooperation on the Protection of the Wadden Sea. |
Yes | Non binding | Non binding | Non binding | IW, TS |