
Level Key words Year Regulation applicable Related regulation Related regulation 2 Description More info Most important Status in NL Status in DE Status in DK
National Denmark, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Environmental protection 2020 Bekendtgørelse af lov om maritim fysisk planlægning - 2020

Maritime Spatial Planning Act. The Act lays down the framework for the implementation of a planning of the Danish sea areas.
The purpose of the law is to promote economic growth, the development of marine areas and the exploitation of marine resources on a sustainable basis; contribute to the achievement of the objectives for maritime planning set out in this Act; consider the interaction between land and sea and strengthen cross-border cooperation in accordance with the provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of 1982.
In order to achieve the objectives in aim to contribute to the sustainable development of the energy sector at sea, sea ​​transport, transport infrastructure, fisheries and aquaculture.

Yes In force
National The Netherlands, Fisheries, Other 2020 Besluit vaststelling einddatum tijdelijk stopzetten visserijactiviteiten subsid…

Decree setting end date for temporary cessation of fishing activities subsidy module [...] stopping fishing activities as a result of COVID-19.

No In force
National Denmark, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Environmental protection 2020 Bekendtgørelse af lov om miljøvurdering af planer og programmer og af konkrete …

Promulgation of the Act on Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programs and of Specific Projects (EIA). The purpose of the Act is to ensure a high level of environmental protection and to contribute to the integration of environmental considerations during the preparation and adoption of plans and programs and by permitting projects with a view to promoting sustainable development, by conducting an environmental assessment of plans, programs and projects that can have a significant impact on the environment.

Yes In force
National Denmark, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Health requirements 2020 Lov om dyrevelfærd (dyrevelfærdsloven) - 2020

Animal Welfare Act. The purpose of the Act is to promote good animal welfare, including protecting animals, and to promote respect for animals as living and sentient beings. The law also aims to take care of animal ethics. Anyone who keeps animals must ensure that they are treated carefully, including that they are housed, fed, watered and cared for, taking into account their physiological, behavioral and health needs in accordance with recognized practical and scientific experience.

No In force
National Denmark, Aquaculture, Health requirements 2021 Bekendtgørelse om autorisation og registrering af fødevarevirksomheder m.v - 20…

Executive Order on authorization and registration of food companies, etc. The Executive Order lays down provisions on authorization and registration of food establishments and establishments that handle food contact materials, as well as requirements for self-inspection laboratories. Applies to fish farming

No In force
National Denmark, Fisheries, Fishing techniques 2021 Bekendtgørelse om mærkningsordning for fisk fanget kystnært med skånsomme redsk…

Executive Order on labeling schemes for fish caught close to the coast with gentle gear. Refers to the Fisheries Act. It lays down rules for voluntary labeling, cf. § 5, of catches that live up to established conditions for participation in the labeling scheme, cf. § 2.

No In force
National Denmark, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Health requirements 2021 Bekendtgørelse af lov om hold af dyr - 2021

Law on keeping animals (Animal Husbandry Act). The purpose of the Act is to ensure that the keeping of animals takes place in a responsible manner and in such a way that the consideration for food safety and human and animal health as well as for production is taken into account. The Act covers both animals in human custody and wild animals. The Minister for Food, Fisheries and Gender Equality may lay down rules on the establishment and operation of fish farms, aquaculture and other aquaculture facilities as well as for companies where aquaculture products are cleaned or cut. The rules may require the registration of uses, facilities and companies and supervision thereof.

No In force
National Denmark, Environmental protection 2021 Bekendtgørelse af økologiloven - 2021

Ecology Act. The Act applies to the production, storage, preparation, import and marketing of organic agricultural and fishery products, including food. The purpose of the Act is to establish a framework for and contribute to strengthening the spread of sustainable, organic production, protect the interests of consumers and meet consumer demand for products produced through processes that pay particular attention to the environment, nature, biodiversity, plant, animal and human health, and animal welfare; and ensure fair and uniform conditions for organic producers and traders.

No In force
National Denmark, Aquaculture 2021 Bekendtgørelse om kulturbankeproduktion af muslinger og østers - 2021

Executive Order on cultural bank production of mussels and oysters. The Executive Order covers the rearing and harvesting of mussels and oysters laid out on cultural banks in Danish fishing territory. Refers to the Fisheries Act.

Yes In force
National Denmark, Aquaculture 2021 Bekendtgørelse om kulturbankeproduktion af muslinger og østers - 2021

Executive Order on cultural bank production of mussels and oysters. The Executive Order covers the rearing and harvesting of mussels and oysters laid out on cultural banks in Danish fishing territory. Refers to the Fisheries Act.

Yes In force
National Denmark, Fisheries, Aquaculture 2021 Bekendtgørelse om fredning af visse dyre- og plantearter og pleje af tilskadeko…

Executive Order on the protection of certain animal and plant species and the care of injured game. Refers to the Nature Conservation Act and the Habitats Directive. Contains some rules applicable to certain species of fish (sturgeon) and mussels.

No In force
National Denmark, Aquaculture, Health requirements 2021 Bekendtgørelse om autorisation og registrering af fødevarevirksomheder m.v - 20…

Executive Order on authorization and registration of food companies, etc. The Executive Order lays down provisions on authorization and registration of food establishments and establishments that handle food contact materials, as well as requirements for self-inspection laboratories. Applies to fish farming

No In force
National Denmark, Fisheries, Fishing techniques 2021 Bekendtgørelse om mærkningsordning for fisk fanget kystnært med skånsomme redsk…

Executive Order on labeling schemes for fish caught close to the coast with gentle gear. Refers to the Fisheries Act. It lays down rules for voluntary labeling, cf. § 5, of catches that live up to established conditions for participation in the labeling scheme, cf. § 2.

No In force
European Union European Union, Fisheries, Fish stocks mamagement 2021 Council Regulation (EU) 2021/92

Fixes for 2021 the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in Union waters and, for Union fishing vessels, in certain non-Union waters.

More info No In force In force In force
National Denmark, Fisheries, Aquaculture 2021 Bekendtgørelse om fredning af visse dyre- og plantearter og pleje af tilskadeko…

Executive Order on the protection of certain animal and plant species and the care of injured game. Refers to the Nature Conservation Act and the Habitats Directive. Contains some rules applicable to certain species of fish (sturgeon) and mussels.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Fishers, Safety _ Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen

Seagoing Vessels Safety Regulations. A large part applies to fishing vessels.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Aquaculture _ Warenwetregeling levende tweekleppige weekdieren

Commodities Act regulation for living bivalve molluscs. Refers to the Regulation (EC) 854/2004 (now repealed and replaced by Regulation (EU) 2017/625). Concerns production, dilution and relaying areas; temporary measures…

No In force
National The Netherlands, Fishers, Safety _ Burgerlijk Wetboek Boek 7

Civil Code Book 7. Refer to fisheries: Section 12A regarding special provisions with regard to the maritime employment contract in sea fishing and Section 12B on the partnership agreement in sea fisheries.

No In force