Level | Key words | Year | Regulation applicable | Description | More info | Most important | Status in NL | Status in DE | Status in DK | |
Federal States | Lower Saxony, Tourism, Environmental protection | 2019 | Niedersächsisches Gesetz über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung (NUVPG) |
Lower Saxony Law on Environmental Impact Assessment. Environmental Impact Assessments are mandatory for the construction of holiday village, camping sites… |
No | In force | ||||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Environmental protection | 0 | Leitlinien für Partner des Nationalparks schleswig-holsteinisches Wattenmeer |
A guideline answers the question "What is expected from National Park Partners?" |
More info | No | Non binding | |||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Environmental protection, Tourism | 0 | Voluntary agreements and local protection concepts |
National Park agreements involve professionals and amateur shrimp fishermen, water sports enthusiasts, sea kayakers and other. They regulate the use of certain areas. Both sides commit to voluntary services with a goal of protecting nature. |
No | In force | ||||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Tourism, Environmental protection | 1979 | Landesverordnung über das Naturschutzgebiet "Nielönn/Sylt" |
State ordinance on the "Nielönn / Sylt" nature reserve. Defines rules within the borders of the reserve and forbids to camp for instance. |
No | In force | ||||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Tourism, Environmental protection | 1980 | Landesverordnung über das Naturschutzgebiet "Wattenmeer nördlich des Hindenburg… |
State ordinance on the nature reserve "Wadden Sea north of the Hindenburgdam". Defines rules within the borders of the reserve and forbids to put up tents and caravans and to let dogs run around freely. |
No | In force | ||||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Tourism, Environmental protection | 1982 | Landesverordnung über das Naturschutzgebiet "Nordfriesisches Wattenmeer" |
State ordinance on the "North Frisian Wadden Sea" nature reserve. Defines rules within the borders of the reserve and forbids to put up tents and caravans and to let dogs run around freely. |
No | In force | ||||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Tourism, Environmental protection | 1999 | Gesetz zum Schutz des schleswig-holsteinischen Wattenmeeres (Nationalparkgesetz… |
Law for the Protection of the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea. This act mentions the importance of tourism for the improvement of the living and working conditions of the local people. Tourist facilities are permitted in the National Park. Regarding tourism §2 Abs. 3 ist particularly important. |
Yes | In force | ||||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Tourism, Environmental protection | 2003 | Landesgesetz über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung (Landes-UVP-Gesetz - LUVPG) |
State Law on Environmental Impact Assessment. Environmental Impact Assessments are mandatory for the construction of a holiday village... |
No | In force | ||||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Tourism | 2005 | Kommunalabgabengesetz des Landes Schleswig-Holstein (KAG) |
Municipal Tax Act of the State of Schleswig-Holstein. Applies to tourism and other recreational activities. |
No | In force | ||||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Tourism, Environmental protection | 2010 | Gesetz zum Schutz der Natur (Landesnaturschutzgesetz - LNatSchG) |
Law for the Protection of Nature. Establishes certain rules on human activities and their impact on nature. This includes regulations on sport boats and leisure activities, bathing activities, the presence of dogs, camping… It also defines certain rules on biosphere reserves (§ 14). |
No | In force | ||||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Environmental protection, Tourism | 2010 | Landesentwicklungsplan Schleswig-Holstein 2010 |
State Development Plan Schleswig-Holstein 2010. Defines the strategy of Schleswig-Holstein regarding integrated coastal zones management and the development of tourism. |
No | In force | ||||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Tourism | 2014 | Tourismusstrategie Schleswig-Holstein 2025 |
Tourism strategy of Schleswig-Holstein. This new tourism strategy, contains three major goals to be achieved until 2025: |
More info | No | Non binding | |||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Tourism, Environmental protection | 2018 | Strandentwicklungskonzept St. Peter-Ording |
The municipality aims to ensure the protection of the environment and to develop sustainable tourism through a strategy in the Wadden Sea World Heritage. The beach development concept supports this strategy and reflects the goal of protecting the Wadden Sea in tourism management. |
No | In force | ||||
Federal States | Schleswig-Holstein, Tourism | 2018 | Landesverordnung über die Qualität und die Bewirtschaftung der Badegewässer (Ba… |
State ordinance on the quality and management of bathing water. |
No | In force | ||||
International | International, Environmental protection, Tourism | 1995 | Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds |
The agreement aims to protect migratory birds. It encourages the development of eco-tourism at wetlands and the development of programmes to improve the level of awareness of the public. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |
International | International, Environmental protection, Integrated Coastal Zone Management | 1992 | Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlan… |
The Convention aims to protect the environment and the contracting parties engaged to take all possible measures to prevent and remove pollution and protect the marine environment from negative effects of human activities. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |
International | International, Environmental protection, Other | 1971 | Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habi… |
The Convention aims the "wise use of wetlands and their resources". |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |
International | International, Environmental protection | 1972 | Convention concerning the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage |
Sets out the duties of States Parties in identifying potential sites and their role in protecting and preserving them. The Convention stipulates the obligation of States Parties to report regularly to the World Heritage Committee on the state of conservation of their World Heritage properties. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |
International | International, Environmental protection, Other | 1982 | UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) |
Lays down a comprehensive regime of laws and orders in the world's oceans and seas establishing rules governing all uses of the oceans and their resources. It enshrines the notion that all problems of ocean space are closely interrelated and need to be addressed as a whole. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |
International | International, Schleswig-Holstein, Environmental protection | 1990 | Wadden Sea and Hallig Islands of Schleswig-Holstein Biosphere Reserve Designati… |
The Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea was recognized as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO in 1990 as part of its “Man and the Biosphere” program. The development zone was only added in 2004 with the addition of the five large, inhabited Halligen: Gröde, Hooge, Langeneß, Nordstrandischmoor and Oland. Since then, the area has been known as the "Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea and Halligen Biosphere Reserve". |
More info | No | In force | |||
International | International, Environmental protection, Integrated Coastal Zone Management | 1992 | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
"The ultimate objective of this Convention and any related legal instruments that the Conference of the Parties may adopt is to achieve, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention, stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Such a level should be achieved within a time-frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner". Article 4 (e) is particularly relevant for integrated coastal zone management. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |
International | International, Environmental protection | 1992 | Convention on Biological Diversity |
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is the international legal instrument for "the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources" |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force | |
International | International, Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Environmental protection | 1992 | Agenda 21 (Chapter 17) |
"Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment". Chapter 17 refers to the protection of the oceans, all kind of seas, including enclosed and semi-enclosed seas, and coastal areas and the protection, rational use and development of their living resources. |
More info | No | Non binding | Non binding | Non binding | |
International | International, Tourism | 2019 | Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics |
The Convention defines principles regarding tourism ethic. It aims to "promote responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism through the implementation of ethical principles in tourism". |
More info | No | Not yet in force | Not yet in force | Not yet in force | |
National | Denmark, Environmental protection, Tourism, Integrated Coastal Zone Management | 1994 | Lov om ændring af lov om planlægning og lov om naturbeskyttelse |
Act amending the Planning Act and the Nature Conservation Act (Protection of coastal areas). Defines rules for the spatial planning in coastal zones and mentions that touristic facilities must be located according to coherent policy considerations |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Tourism | 2007 | Bekendtgørelse om fredning og vildtreservat i Vadehavet |
Executive Order on conservation and game reserves in the Wadden Sea. It promotes the sustainable management of the Wadden Sea. |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Environmental protection | 2010 | Bekendtgørelse om Nationalpark Vadehavet |
Executive Order on the Wadden Sea National Park. This act mentions that "the development of outdoor life and tourism must take place on a sustainable basis and in collaboration with the local population, the tourism industry". |
Yes | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Tourism, Environmental protection | 2012 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om havne |
Ports Act. It applies to ports used for commercial handling of goods, vehicles, persons and landings of fish (§ 1). |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Tourism | 2014 | Bekendtgørelse af museumsloven |
Museum Act. This Act aims "to secure cultural heritage and natural heritage in Denmark through the activities and collaboration of professionally sustainable museums and develop the significance of these in interaction with the world around us" (Chapter 10). |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Tourism | 2016 | Den Nationale Strategi for Dansk Turisme |
National Danish Tourism Strategy. It defines a framework for tourism in Denmark in 2025. This includes for instance the defintion of strategic focus areas for Danish tourism, attractive destinations. It develops on nature and outdoor tourism, cultural tourism, modern planning law, labor, education and innovation. |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Tourism | 2017 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om miljømål m.v. for internationale naturbeskyttelsesområ… |
Executive Order on the Environmental Objectives etc. Act for International Nature Conservation Areas (Environmental Objectives Act). |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Tourism | 2017 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om undersøgelse, forebyggelse og afhjælpning af miljøskad… |
Act on Investigation, Prevention and Remediation of Environmental Damage (Environmental Damage Act). This act aims to "ensure that the person responsible for an environmental damage or an imminent danger of an environmental damage prevents and remedies the damage or danger and bears all coasts for this". It applies pursuant to the envirwonmental protection act, the act on the protection for the marine environment, the law on watercourses, the law on nature protection, the law on forests, the law on raw materials and the rules laid down in accordance with the coastal protection act. |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Tourism, Other | 2018 | Lov om erhvervsfremme |
Business Promotion Act. Defines certain rules for the development of the tourism industry. |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Environmental protection | 2018 | Bekendtgørelse om udpegning og administration af internationale naturbeskyttels… |
Executive Order on the designation and administration of international nature conservation areas and the protection of certain species |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Environmental protection | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om miljøbeskyttelse |
Promulgation of the law on environmental protection. It aims the general protection of the environment and defines a framework to reduce all types of pollutions. |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Tourism, Environmental protection | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om beskyttelse af havmiljøet |
Act on the Protection of the Marine Environment. It aims to protect to protect the marine environment against human threats including recreational activities. |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Tourism | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse om regulering af ikkeerhvervsmæssig sejlads på søterritoriet med… |
Executive Order on regulation of non-commercial navigation in the territorial sea with personal watercraft, etc. and on local regulations on navigation at laid-out bathing areas during the bathing season. |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Tourism, Environmental protection | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om havstrategi |
Marine Strategy Act. This act aims to fight against pollution and loss of biodiversity originating from tourism and recreational activities |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Tourism | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om dansk turisme |
Danish Tourism Act. |
No | In force | ||||
National | Denmark, Environmental protection | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om naturbeskyttelse |
Nature Conservation Act. Applies to some extent to touristic activities or facilties (campfire, caravans…) |
No | In force |