
One purpose of the SIMP is to address key topics that interact with the Wadden Sea World Heritage and its Outstanding Universal Value. For each topic, a database has been set up to provide an overview of the legal framework that is relevant to the fields of work of the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation, with particular attention being paid to the protection of the environment.

The database is intended to serve as a common starting point for understanding, comparing and analysing the legal frameworks relevant to the Wadden Sea. The five databases cover international, European, trilateral, national and regional legislation, as regulations applicable to the Wadden Sea are adopted at different levels. Some of the legal frameworks consist mainly of international conventions, EU directives or national laws, depending on which institution is responsible for the management of the key issue. Some EU directives may be incorporated into national legislation in different ways. These factors can affect the functioning of trilateral cooperation on these themes. For this reason, a filtering system is introduced to allow a more concise and targeted search of the database.


five key topics illustartion