Coastal protection

Level Key words Year Regulation applicable Description More info Most important Status in NL Status in DE Status in DK
International International, Coastal protection, Coastal flood defence, Environmental protection 1992 Agenda 21 (Chapter 17 and 18)

"Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment". Chapter 17 refers to the protection of the oceans and coastal areas. Coastal States commit themselves for the sustainable development of coastal areas. Chapter 18 identifies floods as a threat enhanced by climate change and aims to reduce its consequences by anticipating those events.

More info No Non binding Non binding Non binding
National Germany, Coastal flood defence 1969 Gesetz über die Gemeinschaftsaufgabe "Verbesserung der Agrarstruktur und des Kü…

Law on the joint task "Improvement of the agricultural structure and coastal protection".

No In force
National Germany, Coastal flood defence 1990 Raumordnungsverordnung (RoV)

Spatial Planning Ordinance. It applies to dykes and dams.

Yes In force
National Germany, Coastal flood defence 2008 Raumordnungsgesetz (ROG)

Regional Planning Act. § 2 (Principles of spatial planning) underlines that preventive flood protection on the coast and inland must be ensured. It defines rules for the establishment of regional spatial plans which must take those elements into consideration.

Yes In force
National Germany, Coastal flood defence, Coastal protection, Environmental protection 2009 Gesetz zur Ordnung des Wasserhaushalts (Wasserhaushaltsgesetz - WHG)

Water Management Act. This Act refers to the Directive 2007/60/EC (Flood Directive) and applies to coastal waters. The management of coastal waters is covered by Section 3. It aims among other to keep coastal waters clean and the good status of marine waters. Section 5 covers water development, dyke, dam and coastal protection structures. Section 6 establishes a legal framework on flood protection (assessment of flood risks, risk management plans...).

Yes In force
National Germany, Coastal flood defence, Coastal protection, Environmental protection 2009 Gesetz über Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz - BNatSc…

Federal Nature Conservation Act. One of its main objective is "to protect marine and inland waters from impairment and to maintain their natural self-cleaning ability and dynamism; this applies in particular to natural and semi-natural waters including their banks, floodplains and other retention areas; Flood protection must also take place through natural or near-natural measures; preventive groundwater protection and a balanced rainfall-runoff budget must also be ensured through nature conservation and landscape management measures" (§ 1.3.3). It also protects specific coastal habitats.

Yes In force
National Denmark, Coastal protection, Environmental protection, Coastal flood defence 2007 Bekendtgørelse om fredning og vildtreservat i Vadehavet

Executive Order on conservation and game reserves in the Wadden Sea. It promotes the sustainable management of the Wadden Sea. It covers the coastal protection and coastal defence projects and dike works.

Yes In force
National Denmark, Coastal protection, Coastal flood defence, Environmental protection 2010 Bekendtgørelse om Nationalpark Vadehavet

Executive Order on the Wadden Sea National Park. Creates the National Park Vadehavet and defines the rules and principles applying to it including regarding fisheries

Yes In force
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Coastal protection 1979 Wet milieubeheer

Law of environmental conservation. It aims the protection of coastal zones but does not include specific regulations for coastal protection and coastal flood defence.

No In force
National Denmark, Coastal flood defence 2016 Bekendtgørelse om vurdering og risikostyring for oversvømmelser fra havet, fjor…

Executive Order on assessment and risk management for floods from the sea, fjords or other parts of the maritime territory.

Yes In force
National The Netherlands, Coastal flood defence 1993 Besluit Infrastructuurfonds

Infrastructure Fund Decision. It covers the infrastructures for improvement and maintenance (facilities at sand extraction sites for coastal replenishment) and all facilities necessary for the above infrastucture to function (equipment for the construction and maintenance of flood defences, implementation of coastline maintenance and flood control) and primary infrastructure (primary flood defences)

Yes In force
National Denmark, Coastal flood defence 2017 Bekendtgørelse af lov om vandplanlægning

Water Planning Act. It aims among others to mitigate the effects of floods.

Yes In force
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Coastal protection, Coastal flood defence 1994 Besluit milieueffectrapportage

Environmental Impact Assessment Decree. The decree covers "the construction, modification or extension of coastal works to combat erosion, of maritime works that can modify the coast through the construction of, among other things, dikes, piers, jetties and other coastal defense works, with the exception of the maintenance or repair of these works" (Part D on the activities, plans and decisions to which the procedure as referred to in Articles 7.16 to 7.20 of the Act) applies.

Yes In force
National Denmark, Coastal flood defence 2017 Bekendtgørelse af lov om miljømål m.v. for internationale naturbeskyttelsesområ…

Executive Order on the Environmental Objectives etc. Act for International Nature Conservation Areas (Environmental Objectives Act).

No In force
National The Netherlands, Coastal flood defence 2000 3e Kustnota Traditie, trends en Toerkomst

Third Coastal Note: tradition, trends and future. Policy goals are included in the Nationaal Waterplan which became the Nationaal Waterprogramma with the adoption of the Omgevingswet.

More info No Non binding
National Denmark, Coastal flood defence 2017 Bekendtgørelse af lov om undersøgelse, forebyggelse og afhjælpning af miljøskad…

Act on Investigation, Prevention and Remediation of Environmental Damage (Environmental Damage Act). This act aims to "ensure that the person responsible for an environmental damage or an imminent danger of an environmental damage prevents and remedies the damage or danger and bears all coasts for this". It applies pursuant to the envirwonmental protection act, the act on the protection fo the marine environment, the law on watercourses, the law on nature protection, the law on forests, the law on raw materials and the rules laid down in accordance with the coastal protection act.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Coastal flood defence 2006 Wet ruimtelijke ordening

Spatial Planning Act. It ensures that space is reserved for coastal flood protection.

More info No In force
National Denmark, Coastal protection, Environmental protection, Coastal flood defence 2018 Lov om ændring af lov om kystbeskyttelse, lov om miljøvurdering af planer og pr…

Act amending the Coastal Protection Act, the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programs and Specific Projects Act (EIA), the Nature Conservation Act, the Hunting and Game Management Act and various other acts.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Coastal protection, Coastal flood defence 2007 Structuurvisie Waddenzee

Wadden Sea Structural Vision. It includes the PKB Wadden Sea (Key National Planning Decision) regarding its binding aspects.

More info Yes In force
National Denmark, Coastal flood defence 2019 Bekendtgørelse om kommuners køb af oversvømmelsestruede grunde

Executive Order on municipalities' purchases of land threatened by floods.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Coastal protection, Coastal flood defence 2007 Activiteitenregeling milieubeheer

Environmental management activities scheme. It covers activities related to dikes and coastal flood defence.

No In force
National Denmark, Coastal protection, Environmental protection, Coastal flood defence 2019 Bekendtgørelse af lov om naturbeskyttelse

Nature Conservation Act. " The law must contribute to protecting the country's nature and environment, so that societal development can take place on a sustainable basis in respect for human living conditions and for the conservation of animal and plant life" (§ 1). It partly covers coastal protection and coastal flood defence (dikes...) (especially § 15).

Yes In force
National The Netherlands, Coastal flood defence 2009 Waterwet

Water Act. This act defines rules regarding flood defense and aims the prevention and limitation of flooding. § 2 establishes standards for flood defense systems.

More info Yes In force
National Denmark, Environmental protection, Coastal protection 2019 Bekendtgørelse af lov om skove

Forest Act. It applies to a certain extent to coastal areas.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Coastal flood defence 2009 Waterbesluit

Water Decree. The decree details regulations on flood defence.

Yes In force
National Denmark, Environmental protection 2019 Bekendtgørelse af lov om miljøbeskyttelse

Promulgation of the law on environmental protection. It aims the general protection of the environment and defines a framework to reduce all types of pollutions.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Coastal flood defence 2009 Invoeringswet Waterwet

Implementation Act Water Act. Applies to flood defence systems. It repeals the Flood Defenses Act and the Water Management Act.

No In force
National Denmark, Coastal flood defence 2019 Bekendtgørelse af lov om vandløb

Watercourses Act. Sets different rules regarding inland waterways and aims to prevent flood.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Coastal flood defence 2010 Crisis- en herstelwet

Crisis and Recovery Act. It contains rules with regard to accelerated development and realization of spatial and infrastructure projects. Part C on water state works covers coastaline and coastal foundation in the North Sea as well as dyke reinforcement between Eemshavenand Delfzijl.

No In force
National Denmark, Coastal protection, Environmental protection, Coastal flood defence 2019 Bekendtgørelse af lov om havstrategi

Marine Strategy Act. This act defines coastal protection and flood defence projects as human activities affecting the marine environment.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Coastal flood defence 2011 Deltawet waterveiligheid en zoetwatervoorziening

Delta Act on Flood Safety and Freshwater Supply. This law amends the Water Act and the Infrastucture Fund Act in connection with the protection against floods.

Yes In force
National Denmark, Coastal protection, Environmental protection 2020 Bekendtgørelse af lov om miljøvurdering af planer og programmer og af konkrete …

Act on Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programs and of Specific Projects (EIA). It applies to a certain extent to coastal waters regarding certains plans and projects. Indeed, "the environmental vulnerability of the geographical areas that can be expected to be affected by projects must be taken into account, in particular: (c)(i) wetlands areas along banks, estuaries, coastal areas and the marine environment".

Yes In force
National The Netherlands, Coastal flood defence 2011 Besluit algemene regels ruimtelijke ordening

Decree on general spatial planning rules. It aims the protection of national spatial interest and applies to primary flood defence and the building in the coastal foundation outside urban areas (Title 2.3 applies to coastal foundation).

Yes In force
National Denmark, Coastal flood defence 2020 Bekendtgørelse om tilskud fra pulje til diger og anden kystbeskyttelse

Executive Order on subsidies from pools for dikes and other coastal protection. According to § 1, the "coastal directorate may provide grants to municipalities and coastal protection teams for (1) the establishement or reinforcement of dikes in the Wadden Sea".

Yes In force
National Denmark, Coastal protection, Environmental protection, Coastal flood defence 2020 Bekendtgørelse af lov om kystbeskyttelse m.v

Coastal Protection Act. According to § 1 "the purpose of coastal protection is to protect people and property by reducing the risk of floods or coastal degradation from the sea, fjords or other parts of the lake territory". It defines regulations regarding facilities protecting land against flooding and for ensuring coastal protection.

Yes In force
National The Netherlands, Coastal flood defence 2014 Regeling nationale EZK- en LNV-subsidies

National EZK and LNV subsidies scheme. The Mission F states that the Netherlands is and will remain the best protected delta in the world, even after 2100. It includes the MMIP F1 on the sustainability and coast control of water management implementation projects. This includes the prevention of floods and coastal erosion.

No In force
National Denmark, Coastal protection 2020 Bekendtgørelse af lov om planlægning

Planning Act. This Act takes coastal protection into account and defines rules for planning in the coastal areas (§ 5 b). It also covers flood defence (§ 13, § 15)

Yes In force
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection 2015 Wet natuurbescherming

Nature Conservation Act. It replaces since the 1/1/2017 the Nature Conservancy Act, the Fauna and Flora Act and the Forestry Act. It is the main law regarding the protection of the environment and is applicable in the territorial sea as well as in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

No In force
National Denmark, Coastal protection 2020 Bekendtgørelse om klassificering og fastsættelse af mål for naturtilstanden i i…

Executive Order on the classification and determination of objectives for the state of nature in international nature conservation areas. It applies to Natura 2000 sites.

Yes In force
National The Netherlands, Coastal flood defence, Coastal protection, Environmental protection 2015 Nationaal Waterplan 2016-2021

National Water Plan 2016-2021. It "describes the main outlines principles and direction of the national water policy in the period 2016-2021, with a look ahead to 2050". It covers coastal flood defence.

More info Yes Non binding