
Level Key words Year Regulation applicable Related regulation Related regulation 2 Description More info Most important Status in NL Status in DE Status in DK Relevant area(s)
National Germany, Offshore installations 1990 Regulation applicable

Law on the Convention of March 10, 1988 for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Shipping and the Protocol of March 10, 1988 for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms on the continental shelf.

More info No In force CS
National Germany, Other 1990 Raumordnungsverordnung (ROV) - 1990

Spatial Planning Ordinance.

More info No In force IW, TS, EEZ, CS
National Germany, Environmental Protection, Renewable energies, Offshore installations 1990 Gesetz über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung (UVPG) - 1990

Environmental Impact Assessment Act. Determine which activities are subjected to the environmental impact assessment act. This includes offshore wind installations.

More info Yes In force IW, TS, EEZ, CS
National The Netherlands, Oil and gas, Offshore platforms 1992 BadS 280/1992 Voorschr. voor de waterdichte afsluiting, de stabiliteit en de wd…

Regulations on watertight closure, stability and watertight subdivision of offshore support vessels.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Oil and gas, Offshore platforms 1992 BadS 281/1992 Voorschr. voor offshore ondersteuningsschepen die bep. hoeveelhed…

Prescriptions for offshore support vessels that determine amounts of g. transporting substances in bulk

No In force
National Denmark, Safety, Offshore installations, Cables 1992 Bekendtgørelse om beskyttelse af søkabler og undersøiske rørledninger (Kabelbek…

Executive Order on the protection of submarine cables and subsea pipelines (The Cable Order).

No In force TS, EEZ, CS
National The Netherlands, Offshore platforms, Mineral, Renewable energies 1994 Besluit milieueffectrapportage - 1994

Environmental Impact Assessment Decree. Applies to offshore wind turbines (creation, modification or extension of a wind farm) and the extraction of mineral through dredging of the sea.

Yes In force IW, TS, CS
National Denmark, Other 1996 Lov om eksklusive økonomiske zoner

Act on Exclusive Economic Zones. Defines the rights of the coastal state on waters until 400nm

No In force EEZ
National The Netherlands, Working conditions, Oil and gas, Offshore platforms 1997 Arbeidsomstandighedenbesluit - 1997

Working Conditions Decree. Applies to offshore platforms extracting oil and gas. Refers to the Directive 2013/30/EU.

No In force TS, EEZ, CS
National The Netherlands, Environmental Protection, Renewable energies, Cables 1998 Elektriciteitswet - 1998

Electricty Act 1998. Applies to some extent to offshore wind farms and offshore grid.

Yes In force TS, EEZ, CS
National Denmark, Other 1999 Lov om afgrænsning af søterritoriet

Law on the delimitation of maritime territory

No In force TS
National The Netherlands, Offshore platforms 2000 Wet houdende uitbreiding toepassingsgebied Wet beheer rijkswaterstaatswerken to…

Law extending the scope of the Public Works Management Act to the exclusive economic zone.

No In force EEZ
National The Netherlands, Gas 2000 Gaswet - 2000

Gas Act. Applies to some extent to the transport of gas on the Dutch continental shelf.

No In force TS, EEZ, CS
National The Netherlands, Environmental Protection, Mineral, Oil and gas 2002 Mijnbouwwet - 2002

Mining Act. Refers to the Directive 2013/30/EU, the Maritime Strategy Framework Directive, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. It defines rules regarding the research and extraction of minerals and with regard to activities related to mining.

Yes In force CS
National The Netherlands, Offshore platforms, Mineral, Oil and gas 2002 Mijnbouwbesluit - 2002

Mining Decree. Defines rules on mineral extraction and particularly the extraction and transport of hydrocarbon from the continental shelf.

No In force CS
National The Netherlands, Offshore platforms, Mineral, Oil and gas 2002 Mijnbouwregeling - 2002

Mining Regulation. Determine which authorities are competent regarding mining activities operated on the continental shelf.

No In force CS
National Germany, Renewable energies, Cables, Gas 2005 Gesetz über die Elektrizitäts- und Gasversorgung (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz - En…

Electricity and Gas Supply Act. Part 3 - Section 2 is relevant for offshore installations and grids.

More info No In force
National The Netherlands, Environmental Protection, Oil and gas, Offshore platforms 2006 Regeling voorkoming verontreiniging door schepen - 2006

Regulations for preventing pollution from ships. Parts apply to offshore support vessels. Refers, among others, to the MARPOL Convention.

No In force TS, EEZ
National The Netherlands, Oil and gas, Renewable energies, Offshore platforms 2007 Activiteitenregeling milieubeheer - 2007

Environmental management activities scheme. Applies to wind turbines and oil and gas extraction.

No In force IW, TS, EEZ, CS
National The Netherlands, Environmental Protection, Oil and gas, Offshore installations, Renewable energies 2007 Activiteitenbesluit milieubeheer - 2007

Environmental Management Activities Decree. Applies to wind turbines and to offshore gas platforms and defines general rules for the establishement of certain activities.

No In force IW, TS, EEZ
National The Netherlands, Environmental Protection, Offshore installations, Renewable energies, Cables 2007 Structuurvisie Waddenzee

Wadden Sea Structural Vision. It includes the PKB Wadden Sea (Key National Planning Decision) regarding its binding aspects. Establishes a framework and specific rules regarding offshore activities, the laying of cables and environmental protection.

More info Yes In force IW
National Germany, Offshore installations 2007 Verordnung über die Anreizregulierung der Energieversorgungsnetze (Anreizregul…

Ordinance on Incentive Regulation of Energy Supply Networks.

More info No In force
National Denmark, Environmental Protection, Renewable energies, Mineral 2007 Bekendtgørelse om fredning og vildtreservat i Vadehavet - 2007

Executive Order on conservation and game reserves in the Wadden Sea. Forbids the establishment of wind turbines in the territorial sea. The extraction of sea materials is prohibited (the order also details exceptions to this rule).

Yes In force IW, TS
National The Netherlands, Environmental Protection, Offshore installations, Renewable energies 2008 Algemene uitvoeringsregeling stimulering duurzame energieproductie en klimaattr…

General implementing regulation for the stimulation of sustainable energy production and climate transition. Applies to a certain extent to offshore wind turbines.

No In force
National Germany, Other 2008 Raumordnungsgesetz (ROG) - 2008

Spatial Planning Act.

More info Yes In force IW, TS, EEZ
National Denmark, Renewable energies, Other 2008 Lov om ændring af lov om elforsyning - 2008

Electricity Supply Act.

Yes In force IW, TS
National The Netherlands, Renewable energies, Environmental Protection 2009 Waterbesluit - 2009

Water Decree. Refers to the Maritime Strategy Framework Directive, the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive.

No In force IW, TS, EEZ
National The Netherlands, Renewable energies, Offshore platforms 2009 Waterregeling - 2009

Water regulation. Defines rules for offshore wind farms and to some extent to other offshore activities.

No In force IW, TS, EEZ
National Germany, Environmental Protection, Other 2009 Gesetz über Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege(Bundesnaturschutzgesetz - BNatSch…

Law on nature conservation and landscape management. Protects certain species of birds and determines the projects subject to an evaluation of impacts on nature and biodiversity.

Yes In force IW, TS, EEZ, CS
National Germany, Cables, Renewable energies, Gas, Offshore installations 2009 Verordnung über die Raumordnung in der deutschen ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszo…

Ordinance on spatial planning in the German exclusive economic zone in the North Sea. Refers to the implementation of offshore wind energy installations.

More info No In force EEZ
National Denmark, Environmental Protection 2010 Bekendtgørelse om Nationalpark Vadehavet

Executive Order on the Wadden Sea National Park. Creates the National Park Vadehavet.

Yes In force IW, TS
National Denmark, Safety, Offshore installations, Working conditions 2010 Order No. 1508 on special obligations for manufacturers, suppliers and importer…

This order shall cover the importation, manufacturing, transfer or handing over of substances and materials for use on offshore installations as stipulated in section 2 of the offshore safety act (offshoresikkerhedsloven); and in connection with activities carried out from ships and arrangements covered by section 3(5) of the offshore safety act (offshoresikkerhedsloven) (special purpose vessels) to the extent that the substances and materials affect the safety and health conditions on associated offshore installations.

No In force TS, EEZ, CS
National Germany, Renewable energies 2010 Verordnung zur Durchführung des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes und des Windene…

Ordinance for the implementation of the Renewable Energies Ordinance (Renewable Energies Implementation Ordinance - EEAV)

More info No In force
National The Netherlands, Oil and gas, Offshore installations, Renewable energies, Wadden Sea 2011 Besluit algemene regels ruimtelijke ordening - 2011

Decree on general spatial planning rules. Applies to the Wadden Sea and the development of offshore installations. A zoning plan that relates to the Wadden Sea does not allow the placement of new wind turbines.

No In force IW, TS
National The Netherlands, Renewable energies, Environmental Protection, Offshore installations 2013 Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth - 2013

"The Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth, concluded by the government with employers, trade unions, environmental organisations and others, contains provisions on energy conservation, boosting energy from renewable sources and job creation". Specific parts refers to offshore energies.

More info No In force
National Germany, Offshore installations 2013 Verordnung über die Arbeitszeit bei Offshore-Tätigkeiten (Offshore-Arbeitszeit…

Ordinance on working hours for offshore activities.

More info No In force EEZ
National The Netherlands, Renewable energies, Environmental Protection, Offshore installations 2014 Rijksstructuurvisie Windenergie op Zee - 2014

Government Structural Vision for Offshore Wind Energy.

More info No In force
National Denmark, Oil and gas, Environmental Protection, Working conditions 2014 Lov om ændring af lov om sikkerhed m.v. for offshoreanlæg til efterforskning, p…

Act amending the Act on safety, etc. for offshore installations for exploration, production and transport of hydrocarbons, the Act on the protection of the marine environment and the Environmental Damage Act.

No In force TS, EEZ, CS
National The Netherlands, Oil and gas, Offshore installations, Renewable energies, Cables 2014 Regeling nationale EZK- en LNV-subsidies - 2014

National EZK and LNV subsidies scheme. Applies to offshore vessels, offshore wind turbines, offshore platforms for the production of oil and gas.

No In force
National Germany, Renewable energies 2014 Gesetz für den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz - EEG …

Law for the expansion of renewable energies. § 9 Technical Specifications are particularly relevant

More info Yes In force IW, TS