
Level Key words Year Regulation applicable Description More info Most important Status in NL Status in DE Status in DK
National Denmark, Tourism, Environmental protection 2020 Bekendtgørelse af lov om maritim fysisk planlægning

Maritime Spatial Planning Act. It promotes sustainable tourism in order to develop marine areas.

No In force
National Denmark, Tourism, Environmental protection 2020 Bekendtgørelse af lov om miljøvurdering af planer og programmer og af konkrete …

Act on Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programs and of Specific Projects (EIA). The act applies to plans and programs which "requires an assessment of the impact on an international nature conservation area" (§ 2). Environmental assessment of plans and programs are mandatory in the field of tourism and spatial planning.

No In force
National Denmark, Tourism, Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Environmental protection 2020 Bekendtgørelse af lov om planlægning

Planning Act. Permits may be granted for projects which can develop coastal and nature tourism

No In force
National Germany, Tourism 1971 Seeschiffahrtsstraßen-Ordnung (SeeSchStrO)

Sea Shipping Road Regulations (SeeSchStrO),regulates, among other things, navigating the fairway with kites, jet scouters, etc.

No In force
National Germany, Environmental protection, Tourism 1990 Gesetz über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung (UVPG)

Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG). Applies to the construction of touristic facilities. A particular attention is given to Natura 2000 areas and National Parks. This act also covers the cross-border effects of projects.

No In force
National Germany, Environmental protection, Tourism 1992 Verordnung über das Befahren der Bundeswasserstraßen inNationalparken im Bereic…

Ordinance on navigating federal waterways in national parks in the area of ​​the North Sea. The navigation ordinance was issued for navigation in the waterways of the North Sea National Parks, which designates seal and bird protection areas and thus establishes area-specific regulations for water sports.

No In force
National Germany, Tourism 2005 Verordnung über die Berufsausbildung zum Kaufmann für Tourismus und Freizeit/zu…

Ordinance on vocational training for tourism and leisure clerks. The training covers environmental protection.

No In force
National Germany, Environmental protection, Tourism 2008 Raumordnungsgesetz (ROG)

Regional Planning Act. Aims the sustainable development of regions and activities. It also aims to preserve cultural landscapes including the UNESCO cultural and natural heritage of the world.

No In force
National Germany, Environmental protection, Tourism 2009 Gesetz über Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz - BNatSc…

Law on nature conservation and landscape management (Federal Nature Conservation Act). This act aims to protect the diversity and recreational value of nature and landscape. This includes making accessible areas to the public. However, the act underlines that leisure activities must be compatible with nature and landscape.

No In force
National Germany, Tourism 2012 Verordnung über die Prüfung zum anerkannten Fortbildungsabschluss Geprüfter Tou…

Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Tourism Specialist

No In force
National Germany, Tourism 2019 Eckpunkte der Bundesregierung - Orientierungsrahmen für eine nationale Tourismu…

Cornerstones of the Federal Government - Orientation framework for a
national tourism strategy

More info No Non binding
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Tourism 1979 Wet milieubeheer

Environmental Conservation Law. Refers to activities which have impact on the environment including tourism and recreational activities?

No In force
National The Netherlands, Tourism 1992 Gemeentewet

Municipalities Act. Article 224 concerns a tourist tax.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Tourism 1994 Besluit milieueffectrapportage

Environmental Impact Assessment Decree. The construction, change or extension of marinas, holiday villages and hotel complexes, permanent camping and caravan sites are subjected to the environmental impact assessment.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Wadden Sea, Tourism 2006 Besluit beperking toegankelijkheid natuurgebieden ex art. 20 Nbwet Natura 2000-…

Decree on limiting access to nature areas in the Wadden Sea and North Sea coastal zones. Limits the access to certain areas for recreational activities.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Tourism 2007 Activiteitenbesluit milieubeheer

Environmental Management Activities Decree. Defines certain rules on marinas [Article 3.26i and following].

No In force
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Tourism, Wadden Sea 2007 Structuurvisie Waddenzee

Wadden Sea Structural Vision. It includes the PKB Wadden Sea (Key National Planning Decision) regarding its binding aspects.Defines rules on the recreational activities which can be practiced in the Wadden Sea and forbids certain uses.

More info Yes In force. It will be replaced starting on the 1st of January 2022 by the upcoming Environmental Act (Omgevingswet)
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Tourism 2010 Besluit omgevingsrecht

Environmental Law Decree. Establishes certain rules for the protection of the environment which apply to some extent to recreational facilities.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Wadden Sea, Tourism 2011 Besluit algemene regels ruimtelijke ordening

Decree on general spatial planning rules. Refers to the cultural and historical qualities of the Wadden Sea. It also forbids the construction of a new marine in thr Wadden Sea according to the zoning plan,

No In force
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Other 2015 Wet natuurbescherming

Nature Conservation Act. Establishes a legal framework for the protection of the environment in the Netherlands including the Natura 2000 areas.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Integrated Coastal Zone Management 2018 Wet ruimtelijke ordening

Spatial Planning Act. Applies to the territorial sea and the exclusive economic zone. Defines rules regarding zoning and integration plans.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Tourism 2019 Perspectief Bestemming Nederland 2030

Perspective Destination Netherlands 2030.

More info No In force
National The Netherlands, Tourism 2020 Besluit registratie toeristische verhuur van woonruimte

Decree on registration of tourist rental of living space. Defines rules on the registration of the tourist rental of housing.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Environmental protection, Tourism 2020 Activiteitenregeling milieubeheer

Emvironmental management activities scheme. Applies to some extent to recreational activities (campsites, holiday homes, holiday camps)

No In force
Partnerships in the WS Tourism, Environmental protection 2019 Code of Conduct for Birdwatching in the Wadden Sea

In the NAKUWA-project a code of conduct for birdwatching in the Wadden Sea National Park was developed, describing nature-friendly and sustainable behavior during birdwatching activities.

More info No Non binding Non binding Non binding
TWSC Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation, Tourism, Environmental protection 2010 Wadden Sea Plan

The Wadden Sea Plan 2010 relates to some extent to tourism as an important activity for the Wadden Sea. This activity is essential and must be sustainable to reduce its impact on the environment.

More info Yes Non binding Non binding Non binding
TWSC Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation, Tourism, Environmental protection 2014 Sustainable tourism strategy and action plan

"This joint strategy of sustainable tourism in the Dutch-German-Danish Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination invites all stakeholders to participate in its delivery. It describes and guides how stakeholders can actively contribute to and benefit from the aims of the World Heritage Convention in protecting the natural values of the Wadden Sea".

More info Yes Non binding Non binding Non binding