Shipping ports

Level Key words Year Regulation applicable Related regulation Related regulation Description More info Most important regulations Status in NL Status in DE Status in DK
Federal States Lower Saxony, Port 2003 Verordnung über die Entladung von Schiffsabfällen und Ladungsrückständen in See…

Ordinance on the discharge of ship waste and cargo residues in seaports

No In force
Federal States Lower Saxony, Port 2007 Niedersächsische Hafenordnung (NHafenO)

Lower Saxony Port regulations

No In force
Federal States Lower Saxony, Port, Security 2008 Niedersächsisches Hafensicherheitsgesetz (NHafenSG)

Lower Saxony Port Security Act

No In force
Federal States Lower Saxony, General 2010 Niedersächsisches Wassergesetz (NWG)

Implementation in Lower Saxony of the Wasserhaushaltsgesetz (WHG) itself implementing the Water Framework Directive. Especially the § 72 on the maintenance of ports, landing and transhipment point

No In force
Federal States Lower Saxony, Environmental Protection 2011 Verordnung über Zuständigkeiten auf dem Gebiet des Wasserrechts (ZustVO-Wasser)…

Ordinance on competences in the field of water law [§ 1 - Responsibility of the state company for water management, coastal and nature conservation]

No In force
Federal States Lower Saxony, Environmental Protection 2011 Verordnung über Zuständigkeiten auf dem Gebiet des Naturschutzes und der Landsc…

Ordinance on responsibilities in the field of nature conservation and landscape management [§ 3 State agency for water management, coastal and nature protection, Biosphere Reserve Administration]

No In force
Federal States Lower Saxony, Sources of pollution other than oil, Pollution Prevention, Port 2011 Verordnung über die Verwendung von schwefelhaltigen Schiffskraftstoffen in Seeh…

Regulation on use of sulfur-containing marine fuels in seaports

No In force
Federal States Lower Saxony, Port, Security 2012 Verordnung über Zuverlässigkeits überprüfungen nach dem Niedersächsischen Hafen…

Regulation on background checks according to Lower Saxony Harbor Security Act

No In force
Federal States Lower Saxony, Other 2014 Verordnung über Zuständigkeiten im Bereich Verkehr (ZustVO-Verkehr)

Ordinance on responsibilities in the field of transport (Authorization for traffic)

No In force
Federal States Lower Saxony, General 2017 Verordnung über das Landes-Raumordnungsprogramm Niedersachsen (LROP-VO)

Regulation on the spatial planning program of Lower Saxony (LROP-VO)

No In force
Federal States Lower Saxony, Environmental Protection, Wadden Sea 2020 Verordnung über das Landes-Raumordnungsprogramm Niedersachsen (LROP-VO)

Law amending the Lower Saxony Implementation Act to the Federal Nature Conservation Act and other laws on nature conservation law. Special protection purposes of single core zones were updated (e.g. grey seal). The zonation maps were revised, updated and adapted to the change of the nautical chart.

Yes In force
Federal States Schleswig-Holstein, Safety 1979 Gesetz über das Abkommen über eine gemeinsame Aufsichts- und Überwachungsbehörd…

Law regarding the agreement on a joint supervisory and monitoring authority for elevator systems in the area of Maritime shipping

No In force
Federal States Schleswig-Holstein, Safety 1985 Landesverordnung über seismische Arbeiten (Seismik-Bergverordnung - SeismikBerg…

State Ordinance regarding seismic work. § 24 regarding the storage and safekeeping of explosives on ships and radiotelephone connections

No In force
Federal States Schleswig-Holstein, Environmental Protection, Wadden Sea 1999 Gesetz zum Schutze des schleswig-holsteinischen Wattenmeeres (Nationalparkgeset…

Law regarding the protection of the Wadden Sea National Park in Schleswig-Holstein. It is the most important basis for the protection Wadden Sea in Schleswig-Holstein

Yes In force
Federal States Schleswig-Holstein, Port, Security 2008 Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit in den schleswig-holsteinischen Häfen (…

Law regarding the improvement of security in the Schleswig-Holstein ports (Port Security Act)

No In force
Federal States Schleswig-Holstein, Environmental Protection 2010 Gesetz zum Schutz der Natur (Landesnaturschutzgesetz - LNatSchG)

Law for the protection of Nature. With this law, regulations are made that supplement the BNatSchG (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz) or deviate from it while observing certain rules and principles.

Yes In force
Federal States Schleswig-Holstein, Port 2010 Landesverordnung über Sportboothäfen (Sportboothafenverordnung) - SpbootHV

State regulation regarding marinas

No In force
Federal States Schleswig-Holstein, Port, Security 2010 Landesverordnung zur Durchführung des Hafensicherheitsgesetzes (Hafensicherheit…

State ordinance for the implementation of the Port Security Act (Port Security Implementation Ordinance - HaSiDVO)

No In force
Federal States Schleswig-Holstein, Port 2014 Landesverordnung für die Häfen in Schleswig-Holstein (Hafenverordnung - HafVO)

State ordinance for the ports in Schleswig-Holstein

No In force
Federal States Schleswig-Holstein, Safety 2015 Landesverordnung über die Benutzung von Wasserfahrzeugen (Wasserverkehrsverordn…

State regulation on the use of watercraft (Water Transport Ordinance - WVO)

No In force
Federal States Schleswig-Holstein, Port, Pollution Prevention, Oil pollution, Sources of pollution other than oil, Transport of goods 2015 Landesverordnung über die Sicherheit beim Umgang mit gefährlichen Gütern in den…

State ordinance regarding safety when handling dangerous goods in the Schleswig-Holstein ports (Port Security Ordinance - HSVO)

No In force
Federal States Schleswig-Holstein, General 2019 Landeswassergesetz (LWG)

Law regarding State Water

No In force
Federal States Schleswig-Holstein, General 2019 Landesverordnung über die Zuständigkeit der Wasser- und Küstenschutzbehörden (W…

State ordinance on the competence of the water and coastal protection authorities

No In force
International Safety 1884 Convention for the protection of submarine telegraph cables - 1884

Establishes a legal framework regarding the protection of submarine telegraph cables outside territorial waters.

No In force In force In force
International Environmental Protection, Oil pollution, Sources of pollution other than oil, Pollution Prevention 1983 Bonn Agreement - 1983

Agreement for co-operation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances.

More info Yes In force In force In force
International IMO, Safety 1965 Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL) (1965)

Prevents unnecessary delays in maritime traffic, aids co-operation between governments, secures the highest practicable degree of uniformity in formalities and other procedures.

More info No In force In force In force
International IMO, Safety, Pollution Prevention, Environmental Protection, Oil pollution, Sources of pollution other than oil, Transport of goods 1965 International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (1965) - IMDG

Aims to prevent all types of pollution at sea and ensures that goods transported are packaged in a way that they can be safely transported. It is applicable to all cargo-carrying ships. It is updated evey two years.

More info No In force
International IMO, Safety 1966 International Convention on Load Lines (1966)

Minimum permissible free board according to the season of the year and the ship's trading pattern

More info No In force In force In force
International IMO, Safety, Transport of goods 1969 Tonnage Convention 69

The Convention, adopted by IMO in 1969, was the first successful attempt to introduce a universal tonnage measurement system. The Convention provides for gross and net tonnages, both of which are calculated independently.

No In force In force In force
International IMO, Environmental Protection, Pollution Prevention, Accidents, Oil pollution 1969 International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of …

Affirms the right of a coastal State to take measures on the high seas as may be necessary to prevent, mitigate or eliminate danger to its coastline or related interests from pollution by oil or the threat thereof, following upon a maritime casualty.

More info No In force In force In force
International IMO, Liability, Environmental Protection, Oil pollution 1969 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC) (196…

Aims to ensure that adequate compensation is available to persons who suffer oil pollution damage resulting from maritime casualties involving oil-carrying ships.

More info No Denunciated in 1998 Denunciated Denunciated in 1998
International IMO, Safety, Liability, Sources of pollution other than oil 1971 Convention relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuc…

Aims to resolve difficulties and conflicts which arise from the simultaneous application to nuclear damage of certain maritime conventions dealing with shipowners' liability, as well as other conventions which place liability arising from nuclear incidents on the operators of the nuclear installations from which or to which the material in question was being transported.

More info No In force In force In force
International IMO, Liability, Environmental Protection, Oil pollution 1971 International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Comp…

Aims to provide compensation for pollution damage to the extent that the protection afforded by the 1969 Civil Liability Convention is inadequate. Aims to give relief to shipowners in respect of the additional financial burden imposed on them by the 1969 Civil Liability Convention, such relief being subject to conditions designed to ensure compliance with safety at sea and other conventions. Also aims to give effect to the related purposes set out in the Convention.

More info No Ceased to be in force from 2002 Ceased to be in force from 2002 Ceased to be in force from 2002
International IMO, Safety, Navigation rules 1972 COLREG (1972)

Updates and replaces the Collision Regulations of 1960 which were adopted at the same time as the 1960 SOLAS Convention. One of the most important innovations in the 1972 COLREGs was the recognition given to traffic separation schemes - Rule 10 gives guidance in determining safe speed, the risk of collision and the conduct of vessels operating in or near traffic separation schemes.

More info Yes In force In force In force
International IMO, Safety, Transport of goods 1972 International Convention for Safe Containers - CSC (1972)

Aims to maintain a high level of safety of human life in the transport and handling of containers by providing generally acceptable test procedures and related strength requirements.Facilitate the international transport of containers by providing uniform international safety regulations, equally applicable to all modes of surface transport. In this way, proliferation of divergent national safety regulations can be avoided.

More info No In force In force In force
International IMO, Environmental Protection, Pollution Prevention, Accidents, Operational Pollution, Oil pollution, Sources of pollution other than oil 1972 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other…

Its objective is to promote the effective control of all sources of marine pollution and to take all practicable steps to prevent pollution of the sea by dumping of wastes and other matters.

More info No In force In force In force
International IMO, Environmental Protection, Pollution Prevention, Accidents, Operational Pollution, Oil pollution 1973
MARPOL Convention (1973/1978)

Contains requirements to prevent pollution that may be caused both accidentally and in the course of routine operations. Concerns the prevention of pollution from oil, bulk chemicals, dangerous goods, sewage, garbage and gas.

More info Yes In force In force In force
International IMO, Environmental Protection, Pollution Prevention, Accidents, Sources of pollution other than oil 1973 International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of …

Aims to prevent, mitigate or eliminate marine pollution by substances other than oil resulting from a maritime casualty.

More info No In force In force In force
International IMO, Safety, Transport of passengers, Liability 1974 Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by S…

Designed to consolidate and harmonize two earlier Brussels conventions dealing with passengers and luggage and adopted in 1961 and 1967 respectively. The Convention establishes a regime of liability for damage suffered by passengers carried on a seagoing vessel. It declares a carrier liable for damage or loss suffered by a passenger if the incident causing the damage occurred in the course of the carriage and was due to the fault or neglect of the carrier.

More info No In force with reservations In force In force with reservations
International IMO, Safety, Ships construction 1974 SOLAS (1974)

Comprehensive range of minimum standards for the safe construction of ships ans the basic safety equipment to be carried on board.

More info Yes In force In force In force