Shipping ports

Level Key words Year Regulation applicable Related regulation Related regulation Description More info Most important regulations Status in NL Status in DE Status in DK
National Denmark, Ships construction, Safety 2013 Order No. 1460 on Notice F from the Danish Maritime Authority on technical regu…

Amends the Notice F on technical regulation on the construction, equipment, etc of small commercial vessels regarding seafarers.

No In force
National Denmark, Liability, Oil pollution, Sources of pollution other than oil, Safety 2013 Act No. 618 amending the merchant shipping act and various other acts - 2013

Enhanced navigational safety requirements in arctic waters, improving seafarers' legal status in case of piracy, adjustment of the ship registration provisions, implementation of the Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea, implementation of the amendment Protocol to the International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea and abolition of the Divers’ Council. Concerning the carriage of hazardous and noxious substances by sea, the Act refers to the HNS Convention. Amendments included in the Consolidated Merchant Shipping Act.

No In force
National Denmark, Safety 2013 Order No. 227 on enhancing the security of ships engaged on domestic voyages - …

Defines rules aiming to ensure better safety on board of ships engaged on domestic voyages. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea and to the EU Regulation 725/2014 on enhancing ship and port facility security.

No In force
National Denmark, Safety 2013 Order No. 1141 on the approval of offshore containers and portable units handle…

Establishes regulations regarding offshore containers and portable units handled in open seas. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea

No In force
National Denmark, Liability, Accidents, Transport of passengers 2013 Order No. 9 on certificates of confirmation of insurance or other security in r…

Owners of Danish passenger ships engaged in international voyages shall take out insurance or any other financial security in respect of liability pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 392/2009 (the Athens Regulation) relating to accidents during commercial carriage of passengers. Refers to the Merchant Shipping Act

No In force
National Denmark, Ships construction, Transport of passengers, Safety 2013 Order No. 556 on Notice D on technical regulation on the construction and equip…

Amends technical regulations regarding passenger ships engaged on domestic voyages

No In force
National Denmark, Safety 2013 Order No. 1351 on safety of navigation in connection with engineering works and…

The order shall apply to issues related to safety of navigation in connection with works on installations, scheduled events, arrangements and similar activities in Danish waters and on participating Danish and foreign ships. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea

No In force
National Denmark, Pollution Prevention, Environmental Protection 2014 Order No. 175 on the categorisation, classification, carriage and discharge of …

Defines rules regarding the categorisation, classification, carriage and discharge of liquid substances carried in bulk. Refers to the Act on the Protection of the Environment.

No In force
National Denmark, Pollution Prevention, Port, Safety, Environmental Protection 2014 Order No. 1195 on port State control of ships - 2014

Implements and refers to the EU Directive 2009/16/EC on port State control and to the Act on Safety at Sea.

No In force
National Denmark, Ships construction, Transport of passengers, Safety 2014 Order No. 556 on Notice D on technical regulation on the construction and equip…

Amends technical regulations regarding passenger ships engaged on domestic voyages. In this amendment, they are focused on fixed fire-extinguishing systems using CO₂ or mixed atmospheric gases as extinguishants

No In force
National Denmark, Safety, Seafarers 2014 Consolidated Act on the manning of ships - 2014

Includes the amendments made by the Act No. 493 of 12 May 2010, Act no. 478 of 30 May 2012, Act No. 1231 of 18 December 2012 and Act No. 1384 of 23 December 2012. Refers to STCW and STCW-F Conventions (International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers - for Fishing Vessels Personnel)

No In force
National Denmark, Safety, Ships construction 2014 Order No. 491 on Notice B from the Danish Maritime Authority The construction a…

Implements parts of the International Convention on Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea. New version published through order No. 1512 on Notice B from the Danish Maritime Authority, the construction and equipment, etc, of ships (2016)

No In force
National Denmark, Safety, Ships construction 2014 Order No. 1008 on Notice F from the Danish Maritime Authority, technic…

Latest updated version of the Notice F on technical regulations on the construction, equipment etc of small commercial vessels. Refers to the Act on Safety as Sea.

No In force
National Denmark, Safety, Pilotage 2014 Act No. 725 amending the pilotage act and the act on Danpilot - 2014

Concerning the opening of competition in the pilotage area. Amendments included in the consolidated pilotage Act

No In force
National Denmark, Safety, Accidents 2014 Act No. 724 amending the act on safety at sea, the act on safety investigations…

Implementing a stricter penalty level when causing marine accidents or navigation contrary to good seamanship, etc. and investigation of diving accidents. Amendments included in the safety at sea act and the consolidated merchant shipping act

No In force
National Denmark, Accidents, Oil pollution, Operational Pollution 2014 Order No. 35 on the obligation of Danish oil recipients to report and contribut…

Implements the obligation to contribute to the 1992 FUND and Supplementary FUND. Refers to the 1992 FUND Convention and to the 2003 Protocol to the 1992 FUND Convention as well as to the Merchant Shipping act.

No In force
National Denmark, Transport of goods, Safety 2014 Consolidated act on the tonnage measurement of ships - 2014

Amended by act no. 1173 of 19 December 2003, Act no. 493 of 12 May 2010 and Act No. 1231 of 18 December 2012. Refers to the Tonnage Convention

No In force
National Denmark, Pilotage, Safety 2014 Order No. 1343 on the activities of pilotage service providers and the obligati…

Sets obligations for pilotage activities and duties. Refers to the Pilotage Act. The order also contains provisions implementing EU Directive 2009/16/EC on port State control

No In force
National Denmark, Oil pollution, Sources of pollution other than oil, Transport of goods, Pollution Prevention 2014 Order No. 570 on the transfer of liquid cargo between ships in Danish and Green…

The order defines a legal framework which applies to Danish and foreign ships that transfer liquid cargo consisting of oil, chemical or gas products in Danish territorial waters (STS operations). Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea.

No In force
National Denmark, Transport of goods, Pollution Prevention 2014 Order No. 1451 on the reporting obligation of recipients of HNS substances carr…

This order establishes a reporting obligation of recipients of HNS substances carried in bulk by ships. Refers to the Merchant Shipping Act.

No In force
National Denmark, Ships construction, Safety, Inspection 2015 Order No. 491 on Notice B from the Danish Maritime Authority The construction a…

Establishes new requirements regarding the construction and equipment of ships. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea, the EU Directive 2009/15/EC on common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey organisations and for the relevant activities of maritime administrations

No In force
National Denmark, Liability, Oil pollution 2015 Order No. 838 on certificates of insurance on other financial security in respe… No In force
National Denmark, Liability, Oil pollution, Accidents, Operational Pollution 2015 Order No. 217 on insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liab… No In force
National Denmark, Inspection, Safety 2015 Order No. 1294 on recognition and authorisation of organisations performing ins…

Refers to and implements parts of the Act on Safety at Sea, the EU Directive 2009/15/EC on common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey organisations and for the relevant activities of maritime administrations and Regulation 391/2009 on common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey organisations.

No In force
National Denmark, Transport of passengers, Safety, Pollution Prevention 2015 Order No. 1689 on recreational craft and personal watercraft - 2015

This order implements the EU recreational craft directive. The directive's purpose is to ensure an internal market for recreational craft in the EU through the establishment of a common level of safety and of noise and exhaust emissions. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea and the EU Directive 2013/53/EU.

No In force
National Denmark, Safety, Navigation rules 2015 Order No. 45 on aids to navigation in Danish and Greenland buoyage areas, etc. …

Sets rules regarding buoyage areas in Danish waters. In this new order, the text and contents have been updated and a number of clarifications and revisions have been made. Examples are the definition of buoyage areas in Denmark and Greenland, the content of permits and orders and general penalty provisions. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea.

No In force
National Denmark, Pollution Prevention 2015 Order No. 1542 on prevention of air pollution from ships and platforms - 2015

This order aims to prevent air pollution from ships and platforms and covers Danish ships in Danish and international waters, foreign ships in Danish territorial waters, platforms in Danish territorial waters and in the exclusive economic zone. Refers to the Act on Protection of the Marine Environment.

No In force
National Denmark, Liability 2015 Order No. 27 on insurance or other guarantee to cover the owner’s liability in …

Implements rules regarding insurance or other guarantee to cover the owner's liability on connection with wreck removal. Refers to the Merchant Shipping Act.

No In force
National Denmark, Safety, Pollution Prevention, Ships construction 2015 Order No. 1039 on marine equipment - 2015

This order concerns the implementation of EU Directives now repealed and replaced by the EU Directive 2014/90/EU on marine equipment and the implementation of Directive 2002/84/EC amending Directives on safety at sea and on prevention of pollution by ships. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea.

No Repealed
National Denmark, Safety, Pollution Prevention, Ships construction 2016 Order No. 1039 on marine equipment - 2015

This order concerns the implementation of Council directive 2014/90/EU on marine equipment and repealing Council directive 96/98/EC. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea as well as to the Order No. 1039 on marine equipment (2015)

No In force
National Denmark, Safety, Pollution Prevention, Ships construction 2016 Order No. 1039 on marine equipment - 2015 Order No. 1161 amending the order on marine equipment - 2016

Amends the Order N. 422 on marine equipment.

No In force
National Denmark, Safety, Seafarers 2016 Act No. 400 amending the act on seafarers’ conditions of employment, etc., the …

Aims to secure seafarers' economic situation in case of the shipowner's breach of contract, enhance safety in connection with major maritime construction projects Also refers to insurance in connection with wreck removal, effectivisation of survey activities in the diving area, etc. Amendments included in the Consolidated Safety at Sea Act

No In force
National Denmark, Pilotage, Safety 2016 Consolidated Pilotage Act - 2016

Defines a framework for the operation of pilotage in Denmark.

No In force
National Denmark, Safety, Ships construction 2016 Order No. 1512 on Notice B from the Danish Maritime Authority, the construc-tio…

Implements parts of the International Convention on Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea.

No In force
National Denmark, Transport of goods, Safety 2016 Order No.397 on verification of the weight of packed containers - 2016

From 1.7.2016, the "verified weight" of packed containers must be established. It is mandatory that the weight data accompany the containers and are avalaible to the ship and terminal. If it is not the case, the containers must not be loaded. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea.

No In force
National Denmark, Safety, Transport of passengers 2016 Order No. 1687 on safety when operating recreational craft as well as safety re…

Defines requirements to ensure safety on board of recreational crafts above 24m in length. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea.

No In force
National Denmark, General 2016 Act No. 615 on maritime spatial planning - 2016

This act establishes the framework for the implementation of spatial planning of Danish marine areas. The purpose of the act is to: promote economic growth, the development of marine areas and the use of marine resources on a sustainable basis; contribute to achieving the goals of maritime spatial planning stipulated in this act; take account of land-sea interaction; and strengthen cross-border cooperation in accordance with the provisions of United Nations' Convention on the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS) of 1982. Implements ports of EU Directive 2014/89/EU establishing the framework for implementation of a maritime spatial plan for Danish sea areas. This plan must be published by 31 March 2021.

Yes In force
National Denmark, Safety 2017 Order No. 1141 on the approval of offshore containers and portable units handle… No In force
National Denmark, Ships construction, Transport of passengers, Safety 2017 Order No. 556 on Notice D on technical regulation on the construction and equip…

Amendments regarding certain technical regulations for passenger ships in domestic trade in accordance with new EU requirements reffering to new regulations adopted by the IMO. Indeed, this order implements EU Directive 2016/844/EU amending Directive 2009/45/EC on safety rules and standards for passenger ships.

No In force
National Denmark, Safety, Ships construction, Inspection 2017 Order No. 1008 on Notice F from the Danish Maritime Authority, technic…

Amends the Order on Notice F regarding the removal of administrative authorisations which will make it easier to arange for the inspection and control of fire-extinction systems and pressure-testing of tanks on ships not in class.

No In force