Shipping ports

Level Key words Year Regulation applicable Related regulation Related regulation Description More info Most important regulations Status in NL Status in DE Status in DK
National Germany, Safety, Other 2013 Verordnung zur Durchführung der Seeschiffbewachungsverordnung (SeeBewachDV)

Ordinance for the implementation of the Maritime Vessel Guard Ordinance

No In force
National Germany, Safety, Seafarers 2013 Schiffsbesetzungsverordnung (SchBesV)

Ship Occupation Ordinance - SchBesV. According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Germany has to take the measures necessary to ensure safety at sea for ships flying its flag. In addition to other requirements, this also applies to the crew of ships, which is stipulated in the Ship Crew ordinance.

No In force
National Germany, Accidents 2013 Schiffsunfalldatenbankgesetz (SchUnfDatG)

Ship Accident Database Act (SchUnfDatG)

No In force
National Germany, Seafarers, Fishing vessels, Safety 2013 Seearbeitsgesetz (SeeArbG)

Maritime Labor Act. Establishes rules for working on board of a ship, including a fishing vessel.

No In force
National Germany, Environmental Protection 2013 Gesetz über die Durchsetzung von Kostenforderungenaus dem Internationalen Übere…

Law on the Enforcement of Costs Claims from the International Convention of Nairobi of 2007 on the Disposal of Wrecks (Wreck Removal Cost Enforcement Act)

No In force
National Germany, Navigation rules, Environmental Protection, Pollution Prevention 2014 Verordnung über das umweltgerechte Verhalten in der Seeschifffahrt (See-Umweltv…

Ordinance on environmentally friendly behavior in shipping. It regulates requirements for environmentally friendly behavior in shipping and penalizes violations of these requirements as administrative offenses, in particular violations of regulations of the MARPOL Convention, AFS Convention (International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems in Ships) and Ballast Water Convention.

No In force
National Germany, Other 2015 Buß- und Verwarnungsgeldkatalog Binnen- und Seeschifffahrtsstraßen (BVKatBin-Se…

Catalog of fines and warning fines in inland and sea waterways

No In force
National Germany, Other 2016 Verordnung zur Durchführung der Datenübermittlung an nichtöffentliche Stellen i…

Ordinance on the implementation of data transmission to non-public bodies in maritime transport (See-DatenÜbermittDV)

No In force
National Germany, Other 2016 Bundeswasserstraßenausbaugesetz (WaStrAbG)

Federal Waterways Expansion Act

No In force
National Germany, Navigation rules, Environmental Protection 2016 Verordnung über das Befahren der Bundeswasserstraße Elbe in bestimmten Natursch…

Ordinance on navigating the Elbe federal waterway in certain nature reserves in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

No In force
National Germany, Safety, Other 2017 Gesetz über das Verfahren für die elektronische Abgabe von Meldungen für Schiff…

Law on the procedure for the electronic submission of reports for ships in maritime traffic via the federal central reporting portal

No In force
National Germany, Transport of goods, Pollution Prevention 2019 Kostenverordnung für Maßnahmen bei der Beförderung gefährlicher Güter (Gefahrgu…

Ordinance on costs for measures in the transport of dangerous goods

No In force
National Germany, Transport of goods, Pollution Prevention 2019 Verordnung über Ausnahmen von den Vorschriften über die Beförderung gefährliche…

The Ordinance on Exceptions to the Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (Hazardous Goods Exception Ordinance - GGAV 2002) contains general exceptions to the dangerous goods ordinance road, rail and inland waterway transport and the Dangerous Goods Ordinance

No In force
National Germany, Sources of pollution other than oil, Pollution Prevention 2019 Gefahrgutverordnung See (GGVSee)

Implementation of the IMDG-Code (International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods), the BCH Code (International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk) and the IGC Code (Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk). The sea dangerous goods ordinance (GGVSee) is the national regulation for the transport of dangerous goods by seagoing vessels. In addition to the introduction of the IMDG code into German law, regulations on responsibilities, obligations and administrative offenses are also made.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Sources of pollution other than oil 1909 Schepenwet

Ships Act containing provisions for the prevention of shipping disasters, to initiate an investigation when shipping disasters occur (especially chapters III and IV)

Yes In force
National The Netherlands, Safety, Ships construction 1965 Schepenbesluit 1965

Ships Decree (1965). Partly not in force anymore. Remains relevant some articles of: Chapter IV regarding the condition of the hull, tools and fittings; Chapter V concerning load line and stability; Chapter VI regarding the equipment; Chapter IX concerning the carriage of cargo and the Annexes.

More info No In force
National The Netherlands, Safety, Navigation rules 1972 Besluit toepassingverklaring Internationale Bepalingen ter voorkoming van aanva…

Decree regarding the application of the COLREG (International Regulations for the Prevention fo Collisions at Sea, 1972).

No In force
National The Netherlands, Oil pollution, Liability 1975 Wet aansprakelijkheid olietankschepen

Oil Tanker Liability Act. Defines the legal framework regarding liability related to oil tanker pollution and the conditions of distribution of the fund.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Transport of goods, Safety 1981 Meetbrievenwet 1981

Tonnage Act. Implementation of the Tonnage Convention

No In force
National The Netherlands, Transport of goods, Safety 1981 Meetbrievenbesluit 1981

Tonnage Certificate Decree. Implementation of the Tonnage Convention and the Tonnage Act

No In force
National The Netherlands 1981 Regeling metingsvoorschriften

Tonnage Certificate Regulations. Further implementation of the Tonnage Act. Lays down further rules in accordance with the provisions concerning the determination of the gross tonnage and net tonnage of a ship

No In force
National The Netherlands, Pollution Prevention 1983 Wet voorkoming verontreiniging door schepen

Prevention of Pollution from Ships Act. Refers to MARPOL, SOLAS and UNCLOS

More info Yes In force
National The Netherlands, Safety, Seafarers 1987 NtS 213/1987 Recommendations on Noise Levels on Board Ships

Mandatory notice to shipping. Defines recommendations regarding noise levels on board ships

More info No In force
National The Netherlands, Safety, Navigation rules 1988 Scheepvaartverkeerswet

Shipping Traffic Act. Especially Chapter 2 regarding the organisation of shipping traffic on waterways and Chapter 5 regarding the implementation of treaties and decisions of international law organisations

No In force
National The Netherlands, Safety 1990 NtS 255/1990 Intact Stability Requirements for Pontoons, Intended for the Carri…

Mandatory notice to shipping. Defines requirements regarding certain types of pontoons

More info No In force
National The Netherlands, Safety 1992 NtS 280/1992 Regulations on watertight closure, stability and watertight subdiv…

Mandatory notice to shipping. Defines requirements regarding watertight closure, stability subdivision of offshore support vessels.

More info No In force
National The Netherlands, Safety 1992 NtS 281/1992 Guidelines for the transport and handling of limited amounts of ha…

Mandatory notice to shipping. Applies to offshore support vessels, regardless of the size or voyage that, while not constructed or adapted to this end, carry, in limitied quantities, the substances identified. It applies when cargoes are carried.

More info No In force
National The Netherlands, Safety, Rescue 1994 Regeling inzake de SAR-dienst 1994

SAR Service Scheme 1994. Refers to the Search and Rescue Convention (SAR Convention). Implements the general measures of the SAR Convention in the Netherlands

No In force
National The Netherlands, General, Safety 1996 Scheepvaartreglement Territoriale Zeeî

Ships Regulation in the territorial sea. Defines the rules which apply in the Dutch territorial sea for all vessles (organization of the shipping traffic, road signs…)

Yes In force
National The Netherlands, Port, Safety, Inspection 1997 Wet havenstaatcontrole

Port State Control Act. Includes measures regarding ships inspection in ports as well as the implementation of international regulations: CSS-Code (Code of Safe practice for Cargo Stowage an Securing), SCV Code (Code of Safety for Small Commercial Vessels operating in the Carribean). Implements the EU Directive 2009/16/EC

Yes In force
National The Netherlands, Transport of goods, Safety 1998 Regeling vaststelling modellen meetbrieven

Regulation establishing certificates of tonnage. Refers to the Tonnage Certificate Decree (1981), and the Tonnage Convention

No In force
National The Netherlands, Seafarers, Safety 1999 NtS 324/1999 Regulations on noise levels on board ships (expansion of scope)

Mandatory notice to shipping. Defines regulations on noise levels on board ships. Refers to the Ship Decree 1965

More info No In force
National The Netherlands, Port, Safety, Pollution Prevention 2003 Verhinderen dat bep. categorien enkelwandige olietankschepen Ned. havens in- of…

Circular on preventing determined categories of single hull oil tankers from entering or leaving Dutch ports. Refers to the EU Regulations 417/2002 and 1726/2003, both repealed by the EU Regulation 530/2012 currently in force.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Safety, Port, Transport of goods 2004 Wet laden en lossen zeeschepen

Loading and Unloading Seagoing Vessels Act. Refers to the SOLAS Convention and ISO standards.

No In force
National The Netherlands, Port, Security 2004 Havenbeveiligingswet

Port Security Act. Implements Regulation 725/2004 (EU)

No In force
National The Netherlands, Other, Safety 2004 Wet buitenlandse schepen

Foreign Ships Act. Establishes a framework applicable to foreign ships navigating in dutch waters

No In force
National The Netherlands, Transport of goods, Safety 2004 Regeling laden en lossen bulkschepen

Regulations for loading and unloading bulk carriers. Refers to the EU Directive 2001/96/EC

No In force
National The Netherlands, Safety, Pollution Prevention, Transport of goods 2004 Schepenbesluit 2004

Ships Decree (2004). Schepenbesluit 2004. Refers to the Load Lines Convention, SOLAS Convention, Tonnage Convention, Bulk Chemical Code, Gas Carrier Code, International Grain Code, Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Code, ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Facility Code). Are especially relevant: Chapter 3 regarding the requirements for ships and operational management, Chapter 4 regarding the carriage of cargo

More info No In force
National The Netherlands, Pollution Prevention, Port 2004 Besluit havenontvangstvoorzieningen

Port Reception Facilities Decree. Refers to the MARPOL Convention and implements the EU Directive 2000/59/EC

No In force
National The Netherlands, Pollution Prevention 2006 Besluit voorkoming verontreiniging door schepen

Decree on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. Refers to the MARPOL Convention, the International Convention on the control of harmful anti-fouling systems on ships, the AFS Convention (International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems in Ships), the EU Directive 2000/59/EC and the EU Directive 2005/33/EC

More info Yes In force