Shipping ports

Level Key words Year Regulation applicable Related regulation Related regulation Description More info Most important regulations Status in NL Status in DE Status in DK
National Germany, Ships construction, Safety 1940 Gesetz über Rechte an eingetragenen Schiffen und Schiffsbauwerken (SchRG)

Law on Rights to Registered Ships and Ship Structures

No In force
National Germany, Safety, Other 1940 Schiffsregisterordnung (SchRegO)

Shipping registration regulation - SchRegO

No In force
National Germany, Other 1951 Gesetz über das Flaggenrecht der Seeschiffe und die Flaggenführung der Binnensc…

Flag law of seagoing vessels and the flag flying of inland waterway vessels

No In force
National Germany, Pilotage, Seafarers, Safety 1954 Gesetz über das Seelotswesen (Seelotsgesetz - SeeLG)

The Sea Pilot Act (SeeLG) is the basis for the order and administration of the sea pilot system in Germany.

No In force
National Germany, Other 1965 Gesetz über die Aufgaben des Bundes auf dem Gebiet der Seeschiffahrt (Seeaufgab…

Law on the tasks of the federal government in the field of maritime shipping. It regulates the tasks and responsibilities of the individual federal authorities in the field of shipping.

No In force
National Germany, Other 1968 Bundeswasserstraßengesetz (WaStrG)

Federal Waterways Act - WaStrG

No In force
National Germany, Navigation rules, Accidents 1971 Seeschiffahrtsstraßen-Ordnung (SeeSchStrO)

German Traffic Regulations for Navigable Maritime Waterways. English version here. The SeeSchStrO is part of the German maritime traffic and shipping law. It supplements and specifies the COLREG rules on German maritime waterways.
In the Ems estuary, the Ems estuary shipping regulations apply, which implement a bilateral agreement with the Netherlands. The basis of the SeeSchStrO as a statutory ordinance can be found in the Maritime Tasks Act. It contains essential components as the driving rules on these waters and the regulations on the visual and sound signals to be used and observed. The SeeSchStrO applies equally to all road users, also for sport boats and is supplemented by a large number of other laws and ordinances. The Inland Waterways Regulations (BinSchStrO) apply on the waterways that are further inland.

No In force
National Germany, Safety, Other 1980 Verordnung zur Durchführung der Schiffsregisterordnung (SchRegDV)

Ordinance for the implementation of the shipping register regulation (SchRegDV)

No In force
National Germany, Other 1981 Verordnung über die Besatzung von Schiffen unter fremder Flagge (SchBFrdFlaggV)

Ordinance on the crewing of ships under foreign flags

No In force
National Germany, Navigation rules, Environmental Protection 1985 Verordnung über das Befahren des Naturschutzgebietes"Helgoländer Felssockel" (H…

Ordinance on driving in the natural reserve of Helgoländer Felssockel (HelgfsBefV)

No In force
National Germany, Safety, Environmental Protection, Navigation rules 1987 Verordnung über die Seelotsreviere und ihre Grenzen (Allgemeine Lotsverordnung …

Ordinance on navigating federal waterways in certain nature reserves

No In force
National Germany, Liability, Accidents, Oil pollution 1988 Gesetz über die Haftung und Entschädigung für Ölverschmutzungsschäden durch See…

Law on Liability and Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage by Sea Ships (Oil Damage Act - ÖlSG)

No In force
National Germany, Safety, Navigation rules 1989 Verordnung zur Einführung der Schiffahrtsordnung Emsmündung (EmsSchEV)

Ordinance introducing shipping regulations for the Ems estuary. The shipping regulations for the Ems estuary apply to the entire estuary area of the Ems, on the Ems to Papenburg, on the Leda to the entrance to the outer port of the sea lock at Leer and in the protective and security port of Borkum. The regulations are largely identical to the Maritime shipping regulations (or supplement them) and replace them in their scope.

No In force
National Germany, Other 1990 Flaggenrechtsverordnung (FlRV)

Flag regulation ordinance

No In force
National Germany, Navigation rules, Environmental Protection 1992 Verordnung über das Befahren der Bundeswasserstraßen in Nationalparken im Berei…

Ordinance on navigating federal waterways in national parks in the area of the North Sea. The marine area of the German part of the nominated property is federal waterways. Navigation is hence to be regulated by Order of the Federal Minister for Traffic. The order establishes speed limits for navigation in the National Parks and closed areas comprising of seal haul out sites, and breeding and moulting areas for birds.

Yes In force
National Germany, Safety, Rescue 1993 Verordnung über die Sicherung der Seefahrt (SeeFSichV)

Ordinance on the safety of shipping. It applies to all German sea waterways and German vessels (Bundeswehr ships are excluded). It regulates the obligation to rescue at sea, what to do in the event of a collision, the reporting of significant events and wrecks, as well as special behavior in terms of international seafaring.

Yes In force
National Germany, Other 1994 Kostenverordnung zum Bundeswasserstraßengesetz (WaStrG-KostV)

Cost regulation for the Federal Waterways Act - WaStrG-KostV

No In force
National Germany, Safety, Seafarers, Navigation rules 1995 Verordnung über den Betrieb der Fähren auf Bundeswasserstraßen (Fährenbetriebsv…

Ordinance on the operation of ferries on federal waterways. The Ferry Operation Ordinance (FäV) is an ordinance of the Federal Republic of Germany that regulates the operation and supervision of ferries on federal waterways as well as the behavior of ferry staff and ferry users.

No In force
National Germany, Environmental Protection, Accidents, Oil pollution 1996 Verordnung über die Ausstellung von Bescheinigungen nachdem Ölschadengesetz (Öl…

Ordinance on the issuance of certificates under the Oil Damage Act (Article 1 of the Ordinance on the issuance of certificates under the Oil Damage Act and on the amendment of the cost ordinance for official acts of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency) (Oil Liability Certificate Ordinance)

No In force
National Germany, Oil pollution 1996 Verordnung zur Ermittlung der zum Internationalen Entschädigungsfonds für Ölver…

Ordinance on determining the oil quantities subject to contribution to the International Compensation Fund for Oil Pollution Damage according to the Oil Damage Act (Oil Reporting Ordinance)

No In force
National Germany, Safety, General 1998 Schiffssicherheitsgesetz (SchSG)

Ship Safety Act - SchSG

Yes In force
National Germany, Safety, General 1998 Schiffssicherheitsverordnung (SchSV)

Ship Safety Ordinance - SchSV

No In force
National Germany, Other 2002 Verordnung über die Inbetriebnahme von Sportbooten und Wassermotorrädern sowie …

Ordinance on the commissioning of sports boats and personal watercraft as well as their rental and commercial use in the coastal area (SeeSpbootV)

No In force
National Germany, Safety, Navigation rules, Coasts 2002 Verordnung über die Küstenschifffahrt (KüSchV)

Ordinance on coastal shipping

No In force
National Germany, Safety, Accidents 2002 Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit der Seefahrt durch die Untersuchung von …

The German Maritime Safety Investigation Act (SUG) implements prescribed, uniform standards for marine casualty investigations in international investigation regulations. It replaces the previous Seeunfall-Untersuchungsgesetz (SeeUG)

No In force
National Germany, Safety, Pilotage 2003 Verordnung über die Verwaltung und Ordnung der Seelotsreviere Weser I und Weser…

Ordinance on the administration and regulation of the sea pilot areas Weser I and Weser II / Jade (Weser / Jade-Lotsverordnung - Weser / Jade LV)

No In force
National Germany, Safety, Pilotage 2003 Verordnung über die Verwaltung und Ordnung des Seelotsreviers Ems (Ems-Lotsvero…

Ems pilotage ordinance - Ems-LV

No In force
National Germany, Safety, Pilotage 2003 Verordnung über die Verwaltung und Ordnung des Seelotsreviers Elbe (Elbe-Lotsve…

Elbe pilotage ordinance - Elbe-LV

No In force
National Germany, Navigation rules, Safety 2004 Verordnung über das Anlaufen der inneren Gewässer der Bundesrepublik Deutschlan…

Ordinance on entering and leaving the inner waters of the Federal Republic of Germany from sea areas at the border of the German territorial sea. As part of the preventive measures for the safety and ease of shipping on the maritime waterways, extensive traffic and safety management (internal link) ensures that dangers to shipping are averted and that disruptions do not even occur.

No In force
National Germany, Other 2004 Kostenverordnung für Amtshandlungen der Wasserstraßen-und Schifffahrtsverwaltun…

Ordinance on costs for official acts of the waterways and shipping administration of the federal government in the field of maritime shipping

No In force
National Germany, Safety 2008 Schiffsausrüstungsverordnung (SchAusrV)

Ship Equipment Ordinance - SchAusrV

No In force
National Germany, Pilotage 2009 Verordnung über die Tarifordnung für die Seelotsreviere (Lotstarifverordnung - …

Ordinance on the tariff system for piloting in sea areas

No In force
National Germany, Environmental Protection 2009 Gesetz über Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz - BNatSc…

Federal Nature Conservation Act. Forms in the Federal Republic of Germany the legal basis for the protected goods nature and landscape and the measures of nature protection and landscape management.

Yes In force
National Germany, Fishing vessels, Other 2009 Verordnung über die Raumordnung in der deutschen ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszo…

Ordinance on spatial planning in the German exclusive economic zone in the North Sea. Part 3.6 applies to fishing and mariculture.

Yes In force
National Germany, General 2009 Gesetz zur Ordnung des Wasserhaushalts (WHG)

Implementation of the EU Directive 2000/60/EC - Water Framework Directive. This law has been updated several times. See the different versions here. The Water Management Act (WHG) forms the main part of German water law. It contains provisions on the protection and use of surface water and groundwater, as well as regulations on water management planning as well as flood protection.

No In force
National Germany, Transport of goods, Safety, Pollution Prevention 2009 Gesetz über die Beförderung gefährlicher Güter (GGBefG)

The law on the transport of hazardous goods (GGBefG) is the fundamental law for the transport of dangerous goods by rail, magnetic levitation, road, water and air vehicles in the Federal Republic of Germany. It regulates the scope of the dangerous goods regulations in general, specifies the authorizations and the possibilities of intervention of the federal authorities and the amount of the fines for administrative offenses.

No In force
National Germany, Transport of goods, Safety, Oil pollution, Pollution Prevention 2010 Verordnung über die Beschaffenheit und die Auszeichnung der Qualität von Kraft-…

Ordinance on the composition and labeling of the quality of fuels. It contains provisions for protection against harmful environmental effects caused by combustion residues in the fuel. In addition, it stipulates uniform labeling of the fabrics.

No In force
National Germany, Environmental Protection 2011 Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie sowie zur Änderung de…

Implementation of the EU Directive 2008/56/EC establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy (Marine Strategy Framework Directive). The establishment of a program of measures for marine protection in the German North and Baltic Seas is regulated by the Water Resources Act (WHG).

Yes In force
National Germany, Other 2012 Verordnung über Sicherungsmaßnahmen für militärische Sperr- und Warngebiete an …

Ordinance on security measures for military restricted and warning areas on the Schleswig-Holstein east and west coast and in the Kiel Canal

No In force
National Germany, Other 2013 Verordnung betreffend die Übersicht über die Arbeitsorganisationund die Arbeits…

Ordinance on the overview of work organisation and time sheets in maritime shipping

No In force