Shipping ports
Level | Key words | Year | Regulation applicable | Related regulation | Related regulation | Description | More info | Most important regulations | Status in NL | Status in DE | Status in DK | |
National | 2006 | Regeling voorkoming verontreiniging door schepen |
Regulations for prevention pollution from ships. Refers to the Decree on Prevention of Pollution from Ships, EU Directives 2016/802/EU, 2005/35/EC, 2014/90/EU, Regulation (EU) 2015/757, Regulation 1757/2013, Regulation (EC) 782/2003, the IMDG Code (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code) and several resolutions of the IMO. |
More info | Yes | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Safety, Other | 2012 | Besluit meldingsformaliteiten en gegevensverwerkingen scheepvaart |
Decree on notification formalities and data processing for shipping. Refers to the EU Directives 2010/65/EU, 2002/59/EC, 2009/16/EC, Regulation (EC) No. 725/2004 and the SOLAS Convention. Are especially relevant: Chapter 2 regarding notification formalities, Chapter 4 concerning the international exchange of shipping data and Chapter 6 regarding the report and request of data from seagoing vessels. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Safety, Other | 2012 | Besluit mandaat en machtiging certificering zeeschepen 2012 |
Decree on mandate and authorization for certification of seagoing vessels - 2012 |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Safety, Inspection, Pollution Prevention | 2012 | Keuringsreglement voor de zeevaart 2012 |
Inpection Regulations for Shipping - 2012. Defines the procedure regarding the inspection of vessels |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Port, Pollution Prevention | 2013 | Regeling havenontvangstvoorzieningen |
Port Reception Facilities Regulations. Refers to the MARPOL Convention, the EU Directive 2000/59/EC, the Prevention of Pollution from Ships Act and the Port Reception Facilities Decree |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Inspection, Safety | 2015 | Regeling erkende organisaties Schepenwet |
Regulations regarding the recognition and designation of legal persons, authorized to conduct surveys as reffered to in Chapter III of the Ships Decree - 1965. Details the conditions to fulfill in order to be recognized as a classification society. Refers to the SOLAS Convention, the Ship Decrees (1965 & 2004), the EU Directive 2009/15/EC and the EU Regulation 391/2009. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | 2015 | Wet natuurbescherming |
Nature Conservation Act. It replaces since the 1/1/2017 the Nature Conservancy Act, the Fauna and Flora Act and the Forestry Act. It is the main law regarding the protection of the environment and is applicable in the territorial sea as well as in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Some parts of the law have an indirect impact on shipping |
Yes | In force | |||||||
National | The Netherlands, Safety, Accidents, Pollution Prevention | 2015 | Wet bestrijding maritieme ongevallen - 2015 |
Maritime Accidents Act. Refers to the International Convention on the removal of wrecks concluded in Nairobi. |
Yes | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Safety | 2016 | Wet scheepsuitrusting - 2016 |
Ship Equipment Act. Implements the EU Directive 2014/90/EU. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Safety | 2016 | Regeling scheepsuitrusting 2016 |
Ship Equipment Regulations - 2016. Refers to the EU Directive 2014/90/EU, the Ship Equipment Act of 2016 and the Ship Decree of 2004. Paragraph 3 is especially relevant 3 regarding the conformity of ship's equipment |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Safety, Navigation rules | 2020 | Scheepvaartverkeerswet |
Law of 5 February 2020 amending the Shipping Traffic Act and some other laws in connection with further flexibilisation of the pilotage requirement (New style pilotage requirement) |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Safety, Pilotage | 2021 | Besluit houdende regels in verband met verdere flexibilisering van de loodsplic… |
Decree containing rules in connection with further flexibilisation of the pilotage requirement (Compulsory Pilotage Decree 2021). Zeehavengebieden en loodsplichtige scheepvaartwegen. It defines seaport areas and compulsory shipping routes, exemption from compulsory pilotage... |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Navigation rules, Safety, Rescue, Liability, Accidents, Oil pollution | _ | Burgerlijk Wetboek Boek 8 |
Civil Code - Book 8. Especially Title 6 regarding accidents at sea (Section 1: Collision, Section 2: Assistance, Section 3: Damage, Section 4: Hazardous substances on board of a seagoing vessel and Section 5: Liability regarding damage caused by bunker oil pollution) |
No | In force | ||||||
National | The Netherlands, Safety, Transport of goods, Seafarers | _ | Regeling veiligheid zeeschepen |
Regulations Safety Seagoing Vessels. Refers to the Ships Decree (2004), the FTP Code 2010 (International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures), the Timber Shipping Code, the IMDG Code (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code), the IMSBC Code (International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code), the Intact Stability Code (IS Code), several IMO resolutions and guidelines, the following EU Directives: 2003/25/EC, 2009/45/EC, 2014/90/EU and 2017/2110 and the Regulations (EC) 725/2004 and (EC) 336/2006. It also refers to the SOLAS Convention, the Special Purpose Ship Code (SPS-Code), the STCW Code (Code in training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers). |
More info | No | In force | |||||
National | The Netherlands, Safety | _ | Besluit vaststelling lijn ex artikel 1 Schepenwet |
Decree establishing line pursuant to Article 1 of the Ships Act |
No | In force | ||||||
The Netherlands - Germany | Bilateral Agreement | 1960 | Ems-Dollart Vertrag - 1960 |
On the regulation of cooperation in the estuary of the Ems |
No | In force | In force | |||||
Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation | Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation, Environmental Protection, Wadden Sea | 1991 | Agreement on the Conservation of Seals in the Wadden Sea (WSSA) - 1991 |
The Agreement was concluded under the auspices of the UN Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn Convention, CMS). The WSSA was the first daughter agreement concluded under CMS. The Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (CWSS) acts as the secretariat of the WSSA. The WSSA contains provisions, amongst others, on research and monitoring, taking, protection of habitats and awareness. |
More info | No | In force | In force | In force |