Shipping ports
Level | Key words | Year | Regulation applicable | Related regulation | Related regulation | Description | More info | Most important regulations | Status in NL | Status in DE | Status in DK | |
National | Denmark, Ships construction, Transport of passengers, Safety | 2017 | Order No. 556 on Notice D on technical regulation on the construction and equip… |
Amendments regarding certain technical regulations for passenger ships in domestic trade in accordance with new EU requirements reffering to new regulations adopted by the IMO. Indeed, this order implements EU Directive 2016/844/EU amending Directive 2009/45/EC on safety rules and standards for passenger ships. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Safety, Inspection, Alien Species | 2017 | Order No. 752 on survey and certification of ships using ballast water and on b… |
This order refers and transposes the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) into Danish law |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Safety, Ships construction, Inspection | 2017 | Order No. 1008 on Notice F from the Danish Maritime Authority, technic… |
Amends the Order on Notice F regarding the removal of administrative authorisations which will make it easier to arange for the inspection and control of fire-extinction systems and pressure-testing of tanks on ships not in class. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Safety | 2017 | Order No. 501 amending the order on technical regulation on the performance of … |
This order covers the following tasks that companies or individuals may perform on behalf of the Danish Maritime Authority. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Safety, Ships construction | 2017 | Order No. 1008 on Notice F from the Danish Maritime Authority, technic… |
Repeals Danish special requirements related to an annex file on board ships for survey reports |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Safety | 2017 | Order No. 1357 on authorisation to perform tasks on behalf of the Danish Mariti… | No | In force | |||||||
National | Denmark, Safety, Ships construction | 2017 | Order No. 1008 on Notice F from the Danish Maritime Authority, technic… |
Amends the Order No. 1008 on Notice F from the Danish Maritime Authority, technical regulation on the construction, equipment, etc of small commercial vessels (2014) |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Ships construction, Safety | 2017 | Order No. 1695 on the construction and equipment, etc. of barges - 2017 |
Concerns the construction and equipment of barges. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Environmental Protection | 2017 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om undersøgelse, forebyggelse og afhjælpning af miljøskad… |
Act on Investigation, Prevention and Remediation of Environmental Damage (Environmental Damage Act). This act aims to "ensure that the person responsible for an environmental damage or an imminent danger of an environmental damage prevents and remedies the damage or danger and bears all coasts for this". It applies pursuant to the envirwonmental protection act, the act on the protection fo the marine environment, the law on watercourses, the law on nature protection, the law on forests, the law on raw materials and the rules laid down in accordance with the coastal protection act. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Environmental Protection, Pollution Prevention, Port, Liability | 2017 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om beskyttelse af havmiljøet - 2017 |
Marine Protection Act. This Act sets regulations for the protection of the marine environment and with the purpose of restricting and preventing marine pollution. The Act applies to vessels, vehicles, platforms and the likes operating in the Danish maritime area and implements the requirement for compliance on their machinery and equipment which may eventually pollute the sea. Certain maritime zones are subject to restrictions in view of pollution from oil, hazardous substances, sewage and wastewater, discharge... It implements EU Directive 2002/59/EC establishing a Community vessel traffic monitoring and information system, EU DIrective 92/43/EEC (Habitats Directive), the EU Directive 2009/16/EC on port State control, EU Directive 2004/35/CE on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage |
More info | Yes | ||||||
National | Denmark, Pollution Prevention, Sources of pollution other than oil | 2017 | Order No. 538 on the discharge of sewage from ships and offshore installations … |
Establishes a framework regarding the discharge of sewage from ships and offshore installations outside Danish territorial waters. Refers to the Act on Protection of the Marine Environment. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Pollution Prevention, Oil pollution | 2017 | Order No. 539 on the discharge of oil from ships - 2017 |
This order contains provisions implementing parts of EU Directive 2005/35/EC on ship-source pollution and on the introduction of penalties for infringements as well as parts of EU Directive 2009/123/EC amending EU Directive 2005/35/EC. Refers to the Act on Protection of the Marine Environment. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Alien Species, Pollution Prevention, Sources of pollution other than oil | 2017 | Order No. 968 on the management of ballast water and sediments from ships’ ball… |
This order lays down regulations on the management of ballast water and sediments from ships’ ballast water tanks in order to prevent the spread of invasive species when discharging ballast water. Refers to the Act on Protection of the Marine Environment. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Safety | 2018 | Act No. 374 amending the Act on Safety at Sea and the Merchant Shipping Act - 2… |
Tightens rules for operating speed boats, water scooters and similar vessels, etc. Amendments included in the Consolidated Safety at Sea Act |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Transport of products, Safety | 2018 | Order No. 1075 on the transfer of bunker products between ships, etc. in Danish… |
Concerns the transfer of bunkers products between ships in Danish territorials waters. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Safety | 2018 | Consolidated Act No. 1629 on the Safety at Sea - 2018 |
Consolidated version of the Act. Defines a framework to ensure safety on board. Refers to EU Directives 2002/59/EC and 2009/21/EC. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Accidents, Liability, Safety | 2018 | Order No. 463 on a special liability limit for ships below 300 tonnes for claim… |
Concerns the liability for ships below 300 tonnes for specific claims. Refers to the Merchant shipping Act |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Safety | 2018 | Consolidated Merchant Shipping Act - 2018 |
Consolidation of the previous consolidated act amended by the subsequent amending acts that have become effective: the Act No. 1384 amending the merchant shipping act, the Act on addition to the act on wreckage of 10 April 1895 and other acts (2012); the Act No. 618 amending the merchant shipping act and other various acts (2013), the Act No. 139 amending the Act on Safety at Sea, etc, and the Act No. 374 amending the Act on safety at sea and the merchant shipping act. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Navigation rules, Safety | 2018 | Bekendtgørelse af søloven - 2018 |
Maritime Act. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Safety, Ships construction, Inspection | 2018 | Order No. 1512 on Notice B from the Danish Maritime Authority, the construc-tio… |
Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea and concerns inspection certificates. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Port, Safety | 2018 | Order No. 262 on Port State Control of Ships - 2018 |
Concerns the port state control of ships. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea as well as to the EU Directive 2009/16/EC. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Ships construction, Safety | 2018 | Order No. 1695 on the construction and equipment, etc. of barges - 2017 | No | In force | |||||||
National | Denmark, Transport of passengers, Safety, Pollution Prevention | 2018 | Order No. 1689 on recreational craft and personal watercraft - 2015 |
Amends the Order No. 1689 on recreational craft and personal watercraft and refers to the Act of Safety at Sea |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Environmental Protection, Pollution Prevention, Port, Liability | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om beskyttelse af havmiljøet - 2017 | Yes | In force | |||||||
National | Denmark, Ships construction, Safety | 2019 | Order No. 1154 on the construction and equipment, etc. of ships, implementatio… |
Implements and refers to the International Convention on Safety of Life at Sea. Also refers to the Act on Safety at Sea. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Transport of goods, Transport of passengers, Safety | 2019 | Order No. 1355 on supplementary provisions for cargo and passenger ships - 2019 |
Defines additional provisions for cargo and passenger ships. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Inspection, Safety, Transport of passengers | 2019 | Order No. 1521 on a system of inspections for the safe operation of ro-ro passe… |
This Order contains provisions implementing parts of EU Directive 2017/2110 on a system of inspections for the safe operation of ro-ro passenger ships and high-speed passenger craft in regular service and amending Directive 2009/16/EC. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Safety, Alien Species, Inspection | 2019 | Order No. 969 amending the Order on survey and certification of ships using bal… |
This Order lays down provisions on the survey and certification of ships using ballast water, and on the management of ballast water and sediments in ships’ ballast water tanks.” Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Pollution Prevention, Sources of pollution other than oil | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse om svovlindholdet i faste og flydende brændstoffer - 2019 |
Executive Order on the sulfur content of solid and liquid fuels. Establishes new requirements regarding sulphur content of solid and liquid fuels. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Port, Safety | 2019 | Order No. 262 on Port State Control of Ships - 2018 |
Amends order N.262 on Port State Control of Ships. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Pilotage, Safety | 2019 | Order No. 1319 on a transit pilotage authorisation scheme - 2019 |
Concerns the authorisations for pilotage. Refers to the Danish Pilotage Act. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Alien Species, Pollution Prevention, Sources of pollution other than oil | 2019 | Executive Order on the treatment of ballast water and sediments from ships' bal… |
Refers to the Act on the Protection of the Marine Environment. This Executive Order lays down rules on the treatment of ballast water and sediments from ships' ballast water tanks with a view to preventing the spread of invasive species by discharge of ballast water. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Pollution Prevention | 2019 | Executive Order on prevention of pollution from ships - 2019 |
Refers to the Maritime Safety Act, MARPOL, numerous IMO resolutions, SOLAS, Regulation (EC) 391/2009... The Executive Order applies to all ships in international and national traffic regardless of size and use, as well as to recreational vessels with a hull length of more than 24 meters, unless otherwise stated in the appendices. |
Yes | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Environmental Protection | 2019 | Bekendtgørelse af lov om miljøbeskyttelse |
Promulgation of the law on environmental protection. It aims the general protection of the environment and defins a framework to reduce all types of pollutions. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Safety | 2019 | Order No. 28 on ship’s log books - 2019 |
Concerns the use, the keeping and storage of log books. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea and the Merchant Shipping Act. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Safety, Security | 2019 | Order No. 46 on the security of network and information systems of importance t… |
This Order lays down provisions on the security of network and information systems of importance to the safety and navigation of ships and refers to the Act on Safety at Sea. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, General | 2020 | Act No. 615 on maritime spatial planning - 2016 |
The Act lays down the framework for the implementation of a planning of the Danish sea areas. |
Yes | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Other, Safety | 2020 | Order No. 261 on the transfer of certain powers to the Danish Maritime Authorit… |
Tranfers some powers to the Danish Maritime Authority. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea, the Act on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, the Merchant Shipping Act and the Pilotage Act. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Denmark, Navigation rules, Safety | 2020 | Order No. 656 on navigation, etc. in certain Danish waters - 2020 |
The provisions of this Order are a supplement to the international regulations for the prevention of collisions at sea. Refers to the Act on Safety at Sea and to the COLREG. |
No | In force | ||||||
National | Germany, Other | 1887 | Gesetz zur Ausführung des internationalen Vertrages zum Schutze der unterseeisc… |
Law implementing the international treaty for the protection of undersea telegraph cables |
No | In force |